Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Would Jesus Do?

W.W.J.D. What Would Jesus Do? Well, what would Jesus do? It's a question that begs serious consideration.

I wonder what Jesus would think of his flock. What would cross his mind while watching these town hall criers shout down not only the politician whose words they presumably came to hear, but the questions of their own neighbors as well? What might he think of those that would come to a presidential speaking event "strapped" with an AK-47 or handgun? How about the folks who show up with signs comparing our current president to Adolf Hitler. Or even worse, the politicians (Palin, Boehner, Shelby, etc.) and commentators (Beck, O'reilly, Hannity and the rest of clusterFOX) who simply make shit up. Things like "death panels" and presidential birth certificate controversies.

While it's certainly fair to disagree with the president and the options on the table regarding health care, it's certainly not fair to compare him with the man who attempted to take Europe by force and kill all the Jews along the way. But what I think Jesus would be most upset by is the fact that many of these people consider themselves "traditional" Christians. If by traditional they mean old testament then I might buy that. However, these "traditionalists" seem to have no problem throwing the name of Christ around when supporting their hateful views.

Now, please understand, I don't mean to say that all Christians are like this or that Christianity itself is a bad thing. On the contrary, Christianity at it's best has given us Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Theresa. However, far too often it has given us Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Hagerty, and Pat Robertson.

There is a name that right wing activists give to moderate republicans. They call them R.I.N.O.'s. Republicans In Name Only. Well, maybe there should be a name for these hateful, mean-spirited "Christians" as well. Perhaps these folks should be referred to as Christians In Name Only or C.I.N.O.'s. We could pronounce it chee-no like the city in California. Because really, what else can you call those that say they believe in Jesus but don't seem to believe in anything that he said?

These "Christians" seem to have the old testament down, with it's wrathful, angry God and his harsh punishments for those that go astray. But they seem to have little regard for the new testament and the words of the man whose name their religion carries. Words like "love one another," and "help the poor." Because really, who is this health care debate about? Well, it's about poor people. I heard one man at a town hall yelling at a woman without health care that "why should I pay for your health care?" Even if you throw out the fact that the uninsured cause premiums to go up due to the fact that they don't seek care until they are in crisis at an emergency room, whatever happened to "I am my brother's keeper." Would they suggest that we begin to turn away the uninsured at the E.R.? What would Jesus do?

In recent years the right wing has gotten so bogged down in minutiae like gay rights, prayer in schools, and the anti-abortion movement that they have failed to articulate anything that they are "for." As far as gay rights are concerned, do you know how many times Jesus refers to homosexuals in the Bible? That would be zero. Zilch. None. Now, I'm not saying that Jesus would be in favor of gay marriage, I'm just saying it wasn't high on his list of priorities. And while I'm pretty sure he would be for the right of children to pray in school, I don't think he would be against the president giving an address to students about the virtues of working hard and staying in school. The current controversy (such that it is) about President Obama speaking to kids in the classroom has less to do with whether a president should be allowed to do so, and more to do with the protesting parents political views. I'm no fan of the previous president, but I would never take issue with any president attempting to share a positive message with children. Why would anyone? And as far as abortion is concerned, it's important to remember who Jesus tried to reach while he was alive. It wasn't the converted. No. It was the tax collectors, eunuchs, and prostitutes. He tried to change their hearts with kindness and compassion, not screaming and shouting.

In fact, Paul, one of Jesus' most faithful apostles had been a self-proclaimed "persecutor of Jews." See, Jesus was big on forgiveness. Take two of his other apostles, Judas and Peter. As most Christians know, Judas betrayed Jesus to the Romans for a few pieces of silver, which lead to Jesus' crucifixion. But many forget that Peter, in fear of being crucified himself, denied any affiliation with Jesus on three separate occasions! So, what did Jesus do? He forgave them. Hell, he even forgave the Romans! "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do."

Which brings me to a new point. The death penalty. What would Jesus think of capital punishment? It's worth remembering that Jesus was a victim of such. A Roman law that was unfairly adjudicated and lead to the horrible death of not only Jesus, but many more who were guilty of following him. It's much the same now. Quite often, those on death row "find" religion. And while it's difficult to discern their sincerity, who are we to judge? One thing we can be certain of is how the death penalty disfavors minorities and the poor. It's a fact that the odds of being put to death are directly related to your race and ability to afford an attorney. And look at how many people have been cleared of their crimes in recent years due to the court admission of DNA evidence. I think it's a safe bet that Jesus (not a white guy by the way) would be against this practice. I think that Jesus would prefer that God decide when people die.

Most of these arguments come down to class. If you're poor, you are more likely to have an abortion, end up on death row, or be without health care. I know that many out there believe that all poor people are on welfare and are looking for a handout. Which is largely untrue. Most poor people work for a living. They are the waitresses pulling double shifts, the janitor who works at Wal-Mart in the evenings, and the laid-off factory worker who takes a job at McDonald's before his unemployment runs out.

So what, if anything, do the rest of us owe these people? Well, if you believe in Jesus then we owe them our comfort and consideration. Which brings me back to health care. No one in this country should die or go broke because they can't afford health care. It is a sin to leave these people behind because they are "lesser," or because we didn't vote for the guy who is trying to help them.

So, I would urge Christians who believe in a day of judgement to consider what Jesus would do. Because the truth is, it would be something other than this.

September 6, 2009


  1. Dave, well written. You make some very good points requiring a thoughtful response on my part. First, let me say that I believe the health care system is in need of major overhaul. I too agree that "no one should die or go broke because they can't afford health care." I also consider myself Christian , meaning that I believe in God and Jesus and think that the bible is a great tool that can be used through life. Keep in mind the key word "tool", it is not the end all, be all for me. "Jesus and I agreed to see other people, don't mean we still don't talk time to time", courtesy of Lafayette ; ) For the politicians whom publicly claim to live life by the word of God, they walk a very fine line one that is frequently marred with hypocrisy. I have nothing to say in defense of those individuals, but I keep in mind no one is perfect.

    It is in human nature to want to help the weak, for the most part and I certainly feel as though our country is obligated to help the weak and poor of our country. That being said, even Jesus would have a problem with the current state of our welfare system including the proposed health care plan. Our welfare system is one of the biggest problems facing our country today. The welfare system was created to assist through the Great Depression as a crutch for those in need until they were able to get back on their feet. It was not intended to be the sole means of survival for a lifetime. Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you...", well, unfortunately that is all that many citizens of this country are asking, "What can the United States do for me?" These individuals take and take and offer nothing in return. This is where much of the anger comes with regards to health care reform. Many are tired of paying for people to sit home on their asses, contributing very little to society. Did you know that in the city of Chicago if you are a resident of public housing you must be employed or volunteer 15 hours a week? However, most do not follow these guidelines and the city will not evict anyone for fear of homelessness rate rising. The residence know they won't be evicted so they do nothing! This is nonsense! Don't get me wrong, I refuse to believe that all of the people on the system are like this, but I am certain that a large percentage are. Why is it that I must work 40 to 45 hours a week and budget myself to $100 a week in groceries for my family of four, but a person on the welfare system and their family of 3 are alloted $250 a week to buy as much soda, potato chips and frozen pizza's as they can fit in their fridge. My family is in no means going hungry so what makes our government think that this family needs to $1000 a month to survive.

    This takes me to my next point. The majority of the poor in this country who are on the system are obese and this is not a coincident. They can buy all the food that they want. Between the Little Debbie Snack cakes and chocolate milk for breakfast, the potato chips and hot dogs for lunch and cookies and more junk food for dinner, because no one wants to cook a meal, is there any wonder that health care costs are so high? I suggest you cut the family's food assistance use the excess money to create a program that is mandatory that they attend and teach them to cook meals and eat healthy. I don't want us to stop helping people, I am simply tired of helping people that don't want to help themselves. Remember, these thoughts are coming from a person who was raised on the system with his six siblings, by a mom who was a high school drop out. That poor house in the ghetto produced seven children whom most are now grown and NONE are continuing the cycle of poverty. We used the system how it was intended, to break the cycle, to stop generational poverty. Unfortunately, my family is few and far between.

  2. September 6 at 7:51pm
    Very good and thoughtful. I agree 100% with what you wrote, I never could understand why so many so-called Christians (I like C.I.N.O. btw) don't seem to follow what they are say they believe. They just throw around the name Jesus and that's suppose to make everything they are saying right and true...

    Keep up the writing!! (And let me know when you do want me to make you a blog)

  3. September 6 at 11:15pm
    You are brilliant and I am proud to call you my friend. Excellent. Compassionate. Right on target. This is your best blog post ever. How do you do it? You are an artist.

    When you mentioned the death penalty, I thought to myself: the truly criminally insane people on death row should be studied to find out why they became criminally insane. God allows bad things to happen to us. We know that. God allows these terrorists to have free will, and to cause chaos and destruction in our world. But if we destroy the criminally insane people, we destroy information that could help us prevent criminally insane people to begin with. Timothy McVeigh is dead, and we'll never know what exactly happened in his life - what combination of personality vs. experiences that led him to become a terrorist. But if scientists, psychologists, criminologists, and biologists had a chance to REALLY study Tim for the rest of his life, they might crack the code and understand what breeds terrorists and what we can do to identify them before they commit criminal acts, or we may be able to prevent his breed altogether. I'd be willing to help pay for his care (thru higher taxes), if it meant discovering how to diagnose or prevent criminially insane people before they terrorize the world.

    Also, I had an "attack" a few days ago when I posted the "I believe no one should die because they can't afford healthcare" post. One of my friends husbands went ape-shit and responded by saying that Its the American way and the christian way to have poor people in our community. He said that not everyone should have healthcare because Jesus commanded us to care for the sick and the poor. If our country offered high quality healthcare to everyone, then we would lose our ability to be charitable to the poor. Then the asshole said that I was surrendering my liberties to liberal liars. BTW, His wife (my bff) is sitting at home sick with asthma, and her insurance company won't pay for her medication, and she can't afford her medication. So she's dealing with her illness by laying in bed and trying to stay calm so the asthma won't flare up. Yep - I responded by stating " I DISAGREE WITH YOU, I BELIEVE IN WHAT I POSTED, AND I WILL NOT BACK DOWN!!!! Millions of people have lost their insurance coverage in the last year, and that means adults and children will not be able to afford preventative care or diagnostic tests or treatment for serious diseases. That means KIDS will die because their parents couldn't afford to take them to the doctor!! These kids are our future, and they need to have high quality preventative care, and high quality treatment for disease.
    Quality healthcare is not a commodity like high end cars! We shouldn't have the attitude "If you can't afford it, you can't have it". Quality healthcare for all Americans isn't a political or religious statement. Its a campaign for basic human rights. "

    Excellent post Dave. You got me fired up!!!!!!!!!

  4. Preach it, Brother Dave. As a Christian, I hate that I get lumped with the crazies who like to blow up clinics and scream vitriol from foam-flecked lips. I might not agree with all of the proposed plan for health care reform as it stands now, but we need reform, and Jesus would definitely want us to care for our fellow human beings. And Christians "hating" Obama should try praying for the man. God knows he needs all the prayers he can get, in the position he is in.
    September 6 at 8:23pm

  5. There are over 300 verses in the bible about the poor. One of those verses, Deuteronomy 15:11 from the old testament, is often cited as a reason to NOT deal with the poor by Christians that twist the bible to make it easy for them to conform. That verse in part states "There will always be some in the land that are poor." and that is where they like to cut it off. Why? because the hard part to hear is the next line of that verse "That is why I am COMMANDING you to share freely with the poor and with other Israelites in need."

    Jesus himself put tons of emphasis on helping the poor. Christians marvel at the Sermon on the Mount, and we should, it was brilliant. The poor is so important to Jesus that it is his first line (Mat 5:3) "God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs"

    If God is with the Poor, and he is, then why would we not want to be there with God?... Read More

    Great post Dave!
    September 6

  6. Dave, good article. I whole-heartedly agree about the 'Christians' not acting very Christ like. I think it is a good point. But I don't think it is just the 'Right' that is guilty. There are plenty of 'Christians' on the 'Left' that are just as guilty. I could have shown you just as many attrocities from the 'Left' during the last administration. I think Jesus would say, "A tree is know by it's fruit." Not by the name it calls itself. So, I think the problem is much deeper than political views. It follow the progression; revelation, formalization, institutionalization, crystalization. Christianity, that was once a personal revelation (like Saul on the road) has become institutionalized and crystalized. The original 'Followers of the Way' never dreamed of being considered a religion. They had a relationship with the living Christ, not just his doctrines. One of my mentors used to say, 'going to a church no more makes you a Christian than being in a garage makes you a car.' However, I think the statement about Jesus not addressing Homosexuality is not a fair statement. Jesus never had to address homosexuality because the society he lived in stoned them. There were no know homosexuals in Isreal at the time. But as the faith expanded to the Gentile world, it became necessary for the church to address it. So Paul did in Romans... a letter to the Romans, who actively practiced homosexuality. Jesus didn't talk much about Idolitry or Adultry and Fornication either, because it had already been addressed in Jewish society. I think it is also fair to state that capital punishment was part of Jesus' plan for redemption. Had he not died as a result of a judgement, there would be no redemption for us. Just a thought. ;) Remember that the government is dictating what is being taught to our children in public education. And it is inacting it's belief systems within it's curriculum. that's not right! Teach them how to read, write, math, history, etc. But I don't think it is their responsibility to teach my child what a family is nor what they need to accept as 'normal sexuality.' As a parent, that is my responsibility. And yes, i know not everyone has parents who are worth anything. But, don't tell me that the only way I can opt out for my child is to pay for private schooling while also paying (thru taxes) for public too. Sorry, that was my personal soapbox there at the end.

  7. Good points all, but my point about homosexuality, is that it wasn't at the top of his list. They are people ya know, and while we can disagree with their choices, we can do so in a way that doesn't breed contempt. Once again, who did Jesus hang with?

    And for the life of me, I don't see how the President, any President, telling kids to work hard and stay in school is a bad thing. Kids should know about govt. Do you know how many people know what the bill of rights is? Who the 1st president was, what the difference between the parties is? Nothing is worse than being uniformed, except being willfully so.

    And I will certainly admit that there are people on the left who are bad news, but compared to Limbaugh, Beck, Robertson, Falwell, etc. they are simply amateurs.

    As far as the death penalty, that's some tortured logic there. I don't know how Jesus would be in favor of a system that so badly disfavors the poor and minorities. Or courts that try to disallow DNA evidence that turns up years later. Several people over the last few years have been released from prison and death row due to new evidence. Of course, new evidence doesn't help those already dead. Here's my opinion in full on that subject, it's sure to start a new round of debate.

  8. My point about Jesus and homosexuality is simply that you cannot say it wasn't important to Him. He said several times that he was sent to 'the lost sheep of Isreal' and not to the gentiles. Homosexuality was not an issue in Jewish society... If he were on earth today, would he address it? I think he would. It was addressed very clearly in the old testiment and he himself said that 'I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it." Would he pickett them and throw stuff at them? Would He blow up abortion clinics and rail the President? I think he would... JUST KIDDIN'. Absolutely not! He would love them and eat with them, all the while teaching them.

    While we are at it... WWJD healthcare? It would be an non-issue, because he would heal the sick, not pay for healthcare. :)

    All of the systems of man are designed to compensate for the evil nature of fallen man. No system can compensate for corruption. This is why Jesus said, "My kingdom is within." Because without change of heart, no lasting systemic change is possible.

    BTW, my comments about schools was not about the President speaking at schools. It was about a curriculm that is being introduced to the school by the present administration. Frankly, Jennings' affiliation with NAMBLA is appauling! I cannot support anyone who believes that someone's 'private affiliations' do not impact their 'public policy.'

    The legal system is jacked in more ways than capital punishment. I didn't say I supported it. I just made a statement of fact.

    I have a hard time with people who are appauled with injustice only when it is from the other side of the fence. If injustice bothers you, then it should bother you across the board. That is why as a Christian, I will readily confront what my 'people' do wrong. That is why i whole-heartedly agree with what you said about those who confess Christ in word only. Live it or leave it. There is no fence.

  9. Another GREAT article, David...

  10. wow... just amazing! THANK YOU DAVID

  11. Susan Haney ProtheroeApril 10, 2010 at 8:18 PM

    Very up lifting! So true too. Almost makes me want to be a Christian.

  12. i encourage you do Susan:)

  13. LOVE!!!!!!!!

  14. Susan Haney ProtheroeApril 10, 2010 at 8:19 PM

    That's so sweet Devan, It's nice too know a GOOD Christian like you, and all the other Dems here!

  15. Sabrina Goodman-BeharieApril 10, 2010 at 8:32 PM

    One of our conservative friends posted the other day that healthcare is a priviledge...not a right. I will never in a thousand years understand that. Vacations are a priviledge, eating out once a week is a

  16. Susan Haney ProtheroeApril 10, 2010 at 9:12 PM

    Great point Sabrina!

  17. So why are people who attend tea party's demoralized and called Tea Baggers...what is this Jr. High school.... come on...

  18. Tea Baggers have actually been around for a while. A few of my former employees protested on tax day last year and were thrown rotten tomatoes. These were Tea people that were Republicans. The idea that Tea party are independent voters is laughable.

  19. Like I said I think its just so Jr. High schoolish...oh look there goes a tea bagger movement...or there goes a tea bagger...iI fnd the term tea bagger its own right

  20. Oh and I would say that Democrats out number us republicans at my states tea parties by 2 to 1

  21. The tea people I know are Republican...they don't like Obama and the Democrats. The fact these TEA PARTY people NEVER once attack or criticized the Republican party is telling. Palin and Ann Coulter speak at these invents... again people that don't like the Democrats and Obama. I am still waiting for one tea person to attack the Republicans.... all the protest on tv I see usually have some Obama attacking sign.

  22. Sabrina Goodman-BeharieApril 10, 2010 at 11:22 PM

    yeah with a monkey on the sign saying go back to Kenya and he isn't even from Kenya...too bad ignorance doesn't hurt.

  23. With the denial of global warming,,,the support of the Iraq war I would find that last ludicracy nothing if not consistent.
