Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Get Over It

Sometime in the near future, the next generation (within 20 years) is going to look at the current struggle of gays and lesbians and ask "what was that all about?" And they will be right. Why on earth are (some) straight people up in arms about this? The simple answer is religion. But here's the thing, no one's suggesting that churches be forced to marry anyone they don't want to . Look at the catholic church. They won't marry divorcee's without an anullment. Fine by me.

However, what gays and lesbians are really talking about is the legal contract of marriage and the rights that go along with it. Insurance rights, transferral of property, the right to visit your companion in the hospital for Pete's sake. The half measure offered by centrists is that of civil unions. Now if I were gay I'd take it before I'd walk away with nothing. But I'd be properly pissed about it. Much like "don't ask, don't tell," civil unions are a compromise to placate the "marriage can only be between a man and a woman" crowd. My question to these folks is why do you care? Just because you don't "like" something doesn't mean it should be illegal. Hell, everytime Glenn Beck opens his mouth I have to fight off a fit---yet I still believe in freedom of speech. Even his.

Furthermore, if you want gay marriage to be illegal then tell me who the injured party is? Are we so frail that we can't get out of the way of people trying to get on with there lives? Do we really think that straight people provide such a great example of how to manage a lifetime committment? I don't think so. The divorce rate is 50%. On top of that, how many couples stay together in spite of being miserable? Gay marriage activists will one day be looked at like members of the civil rights or women's suffragette movement. And the next generation will wonder why in the hell that was necessary in the first place.

May 21, 2009

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