Friday, September 10, 2010

Fahrenheit Koran51

Well, I guess it had to come to this. With the nine year anniversary of 9/11 only a day away, a small man at a small church has decided to mark the occasion by burning the Koran. Why? Because God told him to.

Except maybe he isn't burning it after all. As I sit down to write this, Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center has suspended his plan to burn the Muslim holy book because he was led to believe that the controversial Park 51 Muslim Community Center--set to be stationed 2 1/2 blocks from Ground Zero in New York--will now be relocating further from the site of the former World Trade Center. Which turns out not to be true. The NYC Imam only agreed to meet with Jones somewhere down the road for an open discussion.

Now that Jones has learned this, he is going to pray on it more before he decides what to do tomorrow. So stay tuned, I guess.

In the meantime, what do we make of this Jones character and this current controversy?

Let's start with Jones. A mutton chopped moron attention seeking whore. You know how big his Gainesville, FLA congregation is? 50. That's 5-0. This guy who regularly preaches to a congregation that I can fit in my backyard and still have plenty of room for a swing set has been holding the media captive for the better part of the last week. The amount of power that has been given to this clown is staggering. His little bonfire has captured the headlines on newspapers, websites, as well as the cable and network news shows.

Even worse, the President, General Petraeus, and Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates have all made public (and in Gates' case private) pleas to this narcissist to reconsider this first amendment folly. This guy must be the happiest jackass on earth about right now.

It's hard to see what benefit having President Obama making a statement would be. In a country where 18% of the population believe that he is a Muslim, it's not hard to believe that Jones isn't a part of the other 82%. And since Jones believes that Islam is "the devil's religion," I can't imagine the Kenyan Muslim President having any effect on this pastor's (has that word ever been more misapplied?) decision.

Make no mistake, Jones beliefs about Islam are based in ignorance. He has admitted to not even having read the Koran. If he did, he would find the inclusion of positive portrayals of both Moses and Jesus, but why try to find common ground when you know that won't get your bigoted mug on CNN?

So now that this nonsense has been blown completely out of proportion by a media that can't find anything better to cover (are you kidding me?), why should we care?

We should care because the actions of this close minded individual will potentially have far reaching effects. If Jones goes through with the Koran burning--which he has crassly titled "Burn a Koran Day"--he will be putting our troops at a higher risk overseas as well as creating the best recruitment poster for Al-Qaeda since "Shock and Awe." Muslim extremists in Pakistan and Afghanistan have begun distributing information about Jones' endeavor in advance of the foolishness that may take place tomorrow. It has already reached a level where the state department has issued a travel advisory to Americans roaming abroad to be on the lookout for anti-American activity.

But I have to say, I wouldn't put all the blame at the feet of Jones and the media--although they certainly deserve their share. No. I also blame us. Not all of us mind you, but definitely the nearly 70% of our citizenry who so vehemently oppose the building of the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" in New York City. Or how about the 51% of us who are routinely suspicious of Muslims? And what about the 32% who believe that a Muslim should NOT be allowed to run for President? All of these percentages are appalling. Numbers like these foment Islamaphobia and create an environment that lets ignorant fools like Jones believe that they have a license for anti-social behavior towards Islam because, hey, doesn't everyone hate Muslims? If you look at these poll results, it's not hard to see how Jones might feel that he has the approval of this nation's citizens.

I wonder if the polling organizations started surveying those that oppose Islam in our country and asked them if Jones spoke for them, what they would say? My guess is most of them would be against his "Burn a Koran Day" celebration. Unfortunately, that thus far mythical poll won't be out before tomorrow. And in the meantime, Jones thinks that those who would oppose the constitutional rights of Muslims are with him. He can simply point to these opinion polls for support.

I'm sure he believes that if he gets the NYC Muslim Community Center to move, or simply goes through with his book burning, he will be hailed a hero by a large segment of our population. Between us and the media, we have certainly given him the standing that he has not earned.

Shame on us.

September 10, 2010


  1. Anthony Borelli said:
    I agree 100%.

  2. L. McKenna said:
    Someone needs to shake the bigots & remind them that these are Americans, too. They are your doctors & lawyers. They deliver our babies & teach our children. They are American solders, giving their lives to fight terrorism. And some lost their lives on 9.11. So on & so forth. Your right, David. Shame on us!

  3. Anonymous said:
    Amen, we are pitiful aren't we. It is time for the Americans AND the media to take responsibility for our actions. The "news" stations are really getting on my nerves. I have cut ALL of them loose."faux" news has a count going around to show they covered this story less than any network. I say they are one of the MAIN ones that started this Islamaphobia, so now they are ready to wash their hands of it. They can then move on to the next thing they intend to destroy. I can't imagine how any American Muslim feels during this time. I just pray that everything goes well, and God watches over the Muslims in America especially today. I also wish peace and love for the victims and their families because it is evident that we aren't really thinking about them at this time either!

    Obama Hater**** In the last few days the cable newsers (and websites that, ahem, cover cable newsers) have been rather obsessive in their coverage of the Burn a Koran Day spectacle planned by Florida Minister Terry Jones. But upon closer examination, not all cable news channels were treated equal, or more accurately, treated it equally. There was one got paid it little attention from the beginning: Fox News. Times Mentioned
    Fox News-17 HLN-56 MSNBC-77 CNN-85

    From his comment I gathered that "faux" is trying to show they are above the fray and only report news worthy items....yeah, right...Thanks for writing this article. Articles like this help those like me that can't express themselves through words like you. You write exactly what a lot of us are feeling.

  4. Bill Pratt said:
    Terry Jones is nothing but the inevitable result of demagoguery being served up by Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, and FOX News. Are these windbags surprised that their heated, drum thumping rhetoric results in someone like a Terry Jones. If Terry Jones goes ahead with his idiotic plan, and if Americans die because of it, the blood lies not on the hands of the obedient idiot, but on the hands of those who got him all riled up in the first place. He is like one of bin Laden's suicide bombers... marching forward to claim his esteemed place in Teabagger history.

  5. Barry Skalski said:
    Me thinks that Mr. Jones needs to do a better job of reading the book that he claims to be preaching from.

  6. Sabrina Goodman-BeharieSeptember 11, 2010 at 12:14 PM

    key words are SMALL man and SMALL church....

  7. honestly, all we have learned is the capacity to hate a group of people based on the actions of extremists

  8. Excellent articlr mr.phillips. Thanks for posting

  9. Yes Dave ... I plan to share!!!!!

  10. He didn't burn the books.....maybe you missed that part. But seriously, you are going to take a popular novel about the GOVERNMENT banning and burning books and compare that to ONE MAN who is burning the book that teaches one to kill anyone that doesn't follow their religion, women are the property of men and the author of the book personally beheaded 100's of men that opposed him? Seriously, you see a parallel there?

  11. The Koran does not say what you claim it says, Mark. Al Qaeda interpreted the book as saying that - but Al Qaeda doesn't speak for all 1.4 billion Muslims.

    They don't speak for half of that number.

    They don't speak for half of that number ag...ain.

    And again.

    They number in the thoudsands... no more than the size of your college graduating class.

    You're baiting us here, sir.

    You don't think we haven't seen all of the horrible things RW pundits have said aloud about Muslims, sir?

    You think you are ''informing'' us of something?

    You think we're completely ignorant of the filth presently coming out of that hole you call a mouth - and haven't heard it all before, nor seen the words your fingers are currently polluting your keyboard with at one time or another over the last 9 years?

    Your bigotry is not appreciated one bit, Mark.

  12. I need to step away from the computer for a bit, and try and regain my compusure.... I do believe I'm going to go make a pot of coffee. See ya all later.

  13. ‎@ Mark Boehm. Don't follow Del's diversion. If you have have some particular passages in mind then perhaps you could share them. Regardless of what you have though, I doubt any consensus can be reached on interpretation. In matters of faith and idealogy you will find that people will argue whether or not the oceans are full of water

  14. Mark... anyone can take a passage out of context from the Koran, or the Torah, or the Bible, and make it fit their agenda.

    I have read the Koran, in it's entirety. Can either you or Mark say the same?

    PS: Do you know why no one can speak Moab...ite, today? Or Aztec?

    ALL OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS ARE COVERED IN BLOOD, and your suggestion that one is bloodier than all of the others is simply wrong, and not fact-based.

    I really wish yourself, and the other Mark, would simply make a declarative statement about ALL Muslims, and be done with it.

  15. Which is why nobody but a theologian should ever comment on Religious texts, and even they disagree

  16. Mark Boehm, have you read the Old Testament? It is part of the Bible. Would you like me to quote from it. I know your response, "Oh that was before Jesus, Nobody follows it anymore". (Which would be incorrect: homosexuality is prime example, beside the point) The actual point is that any schmoe off the street can pick up the Bible as an outsider and make the point that the Christian religion advocates EXACTLY the same behavior.

  17. I absolutely LOVE listening to the RW pundits scream from the mountains about how HORRIBLE Islamic Sha-ria law is (wich only a few folks living in the a handful of backward countries practice), and how it is ''COMING TO AMERICA!''.

    Shar'ria, which is, in my view, as nasty as the conservatives say it is, is nearly identical to the Mosaic laws found in the Jewsih Torah, or Christianity's Old Testament.

    And there's an awful lot of American conservatives out there advocating replacing Constitutional law with Biblical law, now, isn't there?

    The hypocrisy is astounding.

  18. The conservatives couldn't live by biblical law - coveting is forbidden.

  19. ‎"Mark Boehm He didn't burn the books.....maybe you missed that part"

    First of all, the article was written yesterday. Secondly, he hasn't burned the books today. Maybe you missed those parts.

  20. Paula Grier likes this

  21. Andréa Borelli ThompsonSeptember 11, 2010 at 12:26 PM

    Andréa Borelli Thompson likes this

  22. Scott Huffman likes this

  23. Ann Plante likes this

  24. Brandon Harris likes this

  25. Jason Troyan likes this.

  26. It's very clearly understood that pastor is standing in a wrong side. So, why the goverment of america don't take a strong pressure to him? do it before late!

  27. The President, General Petraeus, and the Secretary of Defense have all taken a strong stance against this moron.

  28. Cheryl Jenkins JacksonSeptember 11, 2010 at 12:31 PM

    Cheryl Jenkins Jackson likes this

  29. Him and Rush Limpnutts came up together go here and see what the folks in my home town........cape girardeau mo are saying .......

  30. Sabrina Goodman-BeharieSeptember 11, 2010 at 12:34 PM

    He is no different than any of the other so called religious crazies, can't they see he is deranged? He needs to be hospitalized.

  31. fanatics and extremists are dangerous. PERIOD.

  32. I liked it a lot. Very nice. That's two great ones in a row. You're like Joey Votto, although I would vote you into the bloggers All-star game. You wouldn't have to rely on a coach's discretionary pick. First, Whitestock, then "mutton chopped moron attention seeking whore". Nice touches like that on top of solid writing.

  33. Stephanie Moore Biek likes this

  34. Great article about a BAD idea...

  35. Cathy Paganelli KaelinSeptember 11, 2010 at 12:47 PM

    Cathy Paganelli Kaelin likes this

  36. Another great piece David...I know Jones is a common name, but it makes you wonder if he and James were retarded...I mean related!

  37. Pete, not coveting in general...coveting your neighbor's wife.

  38. I thought it ridiculous when one of my kid's friend's parents said her church advised them not to let their kid read Harry Potter. I asked her if she had read it. No. To this day, every other kid in the class has become huge readers (they all juniors & seniors in high school now), except this one, held back by the church of afraid to read.
    While living in Morocco, a few American & British friends and I read the Koran as a group and discussed it. It has some good points, it has some bad points, it describes things that are not really done in the same way anymore, much like the Bible. It's really a great book club book.

  39. Fear of the unknown, Kathy. That's all it is.

  40. Actually it lists several thing you shouldn't covet - pretty much anything that belongs to your neighbor.

  41. Ex 20:17 You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, anything that belongs to your neighbor. (TNIV)

  42. EXCELLENT READ David !!- thanks for sharing, I like getting messaged too, because often I don't see all the stuff on the wall -

  43. Good stuff, as usual.

  44. What is even more disgusting is that the American Taliban haven't got the guts to put their own lives on the line when they aim to cause havoc that will cost others their lives. Terry Jones wasn't planning to die when he exploded his Koran burning bomb... no that job would have fallen to men and women serving to our country and defending Terry Jones's right to burn the Koran. Timothy McVeigh didn't have the guts to sit in his truck when it detonated and killed 168 people including children in a day care center. The American Taliban are wimps!!!

  45. I agree with the "Anonymous" comment regarding Taliban wimps. If Terry Jones had said, "I will douse myself with gasoline and sit on top of a pile of Korans and light myself on fire", this whole episode would have taken on an entirely different character, but unfortunately the American men and women in Afghanistan would still die for his right to do so.

  46. Not one of the demagogues urging the idiots on has the courage or character of Taliban suicide bomber.

  47. Theology lessons from a conservative, today, Daniel, would be like taking singing lessons from a basset hound.

    We'd get an awful lot lot of noise, but not really learn anything.

    I actually had one fellow tell me with a straight face that "Go...d helps those who help themselves" was in the King James Bible.

  48. Someone told me that the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus support our capitalist system. They may have omitted to read the parable of the camel passing thru the eye of the needle... giving away worldly gods... render unto Caesar... kicking out the money-changers... but those are enough examples.

  49. Well... I don't believe (not trying to intentionally contradict you, Rob) that we actually have a ''capitalist system.''

    Or that we ever did.

    I always thought free people were able to barter, give gifts, live communally, as well as exchange m...oney from person to person...

  50. Obviously, however, the Bible doesn't support ''buyer beware.''
