Sunday, November 21, 2010

Know Your Enemy: What We've Learned Since The Mid-Terms

We may not know for some time what the true results of this third straight "change" election are to be. There are likely to be twists and turns and occasional surprises. However, what we have learned is that the mid-term victories by the Republicans have clearly emboldened them.

While most polling data has supported the notion that no one is in love with Republicans (they in fact, have a lower favorability rating than the Democrats), and John Boehner, Eric Cantor, and Marco Rubio have all spoken with some humility since their big night on November 3rd, the truth is, they have no intention of delivering on the compromise that the majority of voters are hoping for.

Aside from Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell's gaffe stating that his main priority is to make Barack Obama a "one-term President," a closer look at their recent policy positions showcase a clear desire to be divisive on every issue regardless of public polling or even common sense.

To wit:

--In the face of all evidence to the contrary, Republicans want to extend tax cuts to rich people because it will stimulate growth and create jobs. Really? These tax cuts have been in place for seven plus years, and how has that worked out for us so far? Massive job losses, a recession, and the near collapse of the economic system as we know it. Yeah, it's worked out great. Despite all their talk of wanting to reduce the deficit, they don't even have a plan to pay for the $700 billion revenue loss that would created by the extension of tax cuts to the wealthy. They are actually on record as saying "the tax cuts will pay for themselves." What planet have they been living on the last several years?

--So, the rich should get a massive tax cut, but what about the nearly 10% of Americans that don't have a job? In an effort to fast track an extension of unemployment benefits that are set to expire on November 30th for millions of Americans, House Republicans blocked the measure from going forward. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you, you lazy, out of work bastards! The cost of extending these benefits is about $30 billion. Or about 4% of what tax cuts for the rich would would run us. It's important to note that unemployment benefits are insurance, not just a giveaway. Most of the folks on the unemployment rolls have paid into this fund and now they face being cut off by these Grinchy Republicans. And here's the other thing, extending unemployment benefits is far more stimulative to the economy than tax cuts for rich folk. Why? Because the unemployed spend the money, they don't sit on it. But why let facts get in the way of a little class warfare?

--In another move that strains credulity, last week Republicans successfully filibustered the Paycheck Fairness Act that would allow women to seek unlimited punitive and compensatory damages from companies that display gender bias when it comes to equal pay for an equal day's work. In a country where women still only earn 70% of what a man does, this would seem to be an easy sell. Well, if you believe that then you'd be wrong. In a stunning rebuke of fairness, Republicans in the Senate shot down the bill. Even the two ladies from Maine (Collins and Snowe) voted against bringing the measure forward, arguing that it would be "bad for business." Fairness is bad for business? They should be ashamed of themselves.

--The continual fight over ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell took an interesting turn last week when the preliminary results of a Pentagon study revealed that at least 70% of our men and women in uniform do not believe that allowing gays to serve openly in the military would be detrimental to morale or readiness. A recent poll released by CNN found that 78% of all Americans favor the repeal of DADT as well, So, if the soldiers are ok with it, and the public is ok with it--and by large margins--shouldn't this be a slam dunk? Wrong again, boyo.

Taking the lead for the Republican argument against the repeal is Arizona Senator, John McCain. Or, at least someone who looks and sounds an awful lot like John McCain, but seems to share no resemblance to the formerly honorable public servant that gave the W. a run for his electoral money in 2000. That John McCain has disappeared since giving up all of his standards in a missionary zeal to become President in 2008. McCain once said that if military brass came out in favor of repeal, then he would support it. After Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Admiral Mike Mullen did just that, McCain said we needed a study to reflect the concerns of the troops. Now that we have the early returns of said survey, McCain suggested we needed another study to reflect the concerns of the troops. Say what? Is that not exactly what the recent survey does? Interestingly, McCain's own wife, Cindy shot a recently released PSA that favored the repeal and his own very politically active daughter, Meghan, is against DADT as well. Which must make for some very tense dinner table discussions. Of course, Cindy recently said that she supports her husband's position after much was made of her anti-DADT PSA, so clearly, her husband isn't the only one in the family lost in the wilderness of contradictory opinion.

--While Republicans have often lagged behind Democrats in terms of the public trust on issues like the environment and the economy, they have typically held an advantage over the left when it comes to national security. Which makes their current opposition to the ratification of the new START treaty negotiated with Russia completely mystifying.

The original Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty was proposed by President Reagan and eventually signed by the first President Bush in 1991 (both Republicans, if you're scoring at home). The treaty requires a reduction in nuclear forces by both countries and allows for inspections of each others arsenal to ensure that the treaty was being implemented appropriately. Reagan referred to this as "Trust, but verify." By all reasonable accounts, the treaty has been a tremendous success. Not only has it strengthened our relationship with a former enemy, but it has enhanced our credibility on the national stage when it comes to pushing other countries to reduce and protect their nukes.

However, the original START treaty expired last year. And considering that our relationship with Russia has been somewhat chillier over recent years, the successful negotiation of the continuation of START should be seen as a major success for our nation. But, not so fast say the Republicans. Lead by the other Senator from Arizona (just secede already, will you?), John Kyl, Republicans are pushing for a slow down of that ratification into the new congress of next year when it will clearly be more difficult to get the 2/3 majority required for passage. Why? Because handing Obama a success is worse than enhancing our national security. Let's be clear, this treaty is about more than just Russia. We are currently trying to get Russia to put pressure on Iran to stop their efforts to enrich uranium for the purpose of building themselves into a nuclear power. And that's just the immediate concern. If Republicans can't get behind a measure once proposed and implemented by their own party to better secure nuclear weapons and increase our bargaining position in the Middle East, then what the hell can they get behind?

So, let's recap. The current Republicans in congress are for rich people, corporations, gender and sexual orientation discrimination, cutting off benefits for everyday Americans, and against national security. And here's the scary part, in a couple of months, there's going to be more of them trolling the halls of congress.

It has often been said that "In a democracy, we get the government we deserve." Well, if this is what we deserve, then the hell with what that says about our politicians, what does it say about the people who elected these clowns?

I think it means, we have met the enemy and he is us.

November 17, 2010


  1. Really good read.

  2. Excellent, David as always, I have to steal a peice of it, and totally appreciate the message, PLEASE continue to send :))

  3. Great read David. Just one correction, if I may. The employer pays the unemployment compensation. Some states, PA is one, have a small withholding for employees. Here it is only .04%

  4. Progressive Citizens for AmericaNovember 21, 2010 at 7:53 PM

    Excellent article, thanks for sharing. I'm always amused and somewhat annoyed by the media who projects on a daily basis regardless of a lack of facts....

  5. Great work, David!

  6. Scott Huffman likes this

  7. Nina Delany likes this.

  8. Denise Macksoud likes this

  9. Kyle Cunningham likes this

  10. Vince Cruz likes this

  11. That's a line by Nelson Mandela in the movie Invictus. He said he studied his enemy .

  12. Cheryl Jenkins JacksonNovember 21, 2010 at 8:49 PM

    Cheryl Jenkins Jackson likes this.

  13. Linda Myers likes this

  14. Well, we are just getting started.

  15. I love the way your words say what I was thinking!

  16. Well, basically you could sum up all of the above as "If is benefits the wealthy and advantaged, we support it... if it benefits the poor and disadvantaged we are against it. If none of these apply, then if Obama supports it, we do not!"... The regressive party line! How the wealthy masters of the regressives have conned the poor and disadvantaged into supporting their agenda is one of the great accomplishments of contemporary propaganda!

  17. THE BLACK LONG ISLAND ICED TEA PARTYNovember 21, 2010 at 10:33 PM

    They already knew this but they still stayed home and they are still staying quiet unless it is about DWTS.

  18. Thomas Kahn likes this

  19. The Radical ProgressivesNovember 22, 2010 at 7:32 AM

    Perhaps a better exercise would be to identify what we haven't learned since the mid-terms. Here's a start: insulting your base, saying "fuck the UAW" and pressuring the teachers union to accept charter school funding in the weeks prior to an election is a recipe for defeat. (Brad)

  20. Maybe you should write that yourself. You certainly have the skills to express yourself. And I meant that seriously.

  21. This guy is still whining about the elections? Let's "move on". Come on Joe, Obama didn't do anything for the left anyhow, maybe change is real this time?

  22. Dave - I am trying to encourage people to write and get out of their shells. Too many of us are apathetic. I like his Pogo reference at the end.

  23. I applaud your effort Joe. IMO only 10% of the electorate decides elections, the rest is pretty predictable and can swing only up to 5% in GOV campaigns (whether its the bible belt or the union vote). Amazingly, both parties continue to spend billions to get that 10%. Why don't they just pay us off and pay down the debt with the rest?

  24. dave - you are in my wheelhouse with this.

    It is 15% of the population that took it this time.
    Link 1 -

    ...I figure we can raise about 130 billion on the backs of those who don't vote...
    Link 2 -

    I hope you like...See More

  25. If pointing out facts is now considered whining, then guilty as charged. And "still whining?" The election was only two weeks ago. Assessing a situation adn commenting on it less than half a month later hardly qualifies as being stuck in the past.

  26. Sean Fedd likes this.

  27. Organization for Educating Misinformed Tea Party PatriotsNovember 22, 2010 at 7:38 AM

    Nice: "Republicans want to extend tax cuts to rich people because it will stimulate growth and create jobs. Really? These tax cuts have been in place for seven plus years, and how has that worked out for us so far?"

  28. I love your idea joe - it could bring out the swing voters, having worked my old polling place for many general elections, i've learned that most of the every-time voters are the lever pullers

  29. Vince Yanez likes this.

  30. Agree. The saddest thing is not a group of rich, white men deciding things based on their morals and values...the saddest thing is a group of rich, white men being able to convince so many people that they actually have morals and values. Again and again. We deserve what we are so willingly unwilling to educate ourselves about in modern-day politicians.

  31. What the Plutocratic masters of the regressive propaganda machine rely on is that a vast majority of the people are headline readers, or sound bite listeners. It is a waste of time to try and craft a reasoned argument which will appeal to these folks. The regressive propagandists have been able to convince the poor and disadvantages that they need less and the wealthy need more, they have been able to make educated people deride and scorn education, they have been able to convince millions of "Christians" that charity, forgiveness, and compassion have nothing to do with the teachings of Christ. They are good at what they do. If we ever want to play in the ballpark again, we need to learn a few lessons from them.

  32. thanks David!

  33. Dave, another fantastic article in the books. Bang up job.

  34. I am looking for a new television show you will host, "The Phillips Factor". Just make sure it's fair and balanced. Lol

  35. Herding The Cats - Democrats 2012November 23, 2010 at 9:51 PM

    That's a great link David thank you, I'm sorry I missed it the other day.

  36. Paula Grier likes this

  37. mama tiger is giving this to all tigers for homework commit it to memory

  38. Mike Ace Walter likes this.

  39. Melissa Howard likes this

  40. Jackie Morris likes this

  41. Well, if this is what we deserve, then the hell with what that says about our politicians, what does it say about the people who elected these clowns?

    I think it means, we have met the enemy and he is us.
    + + + + + + + +

    “A statesman is a politician who places himself at the service of the nation. A politician is a statesman who places the nation at his service.”See More
