Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gabbie Giffords And "Unimagineable"

"That may be free speech but it is not without consequences."--Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, Pima County, Arizona

By almost any measurement, Gabrielle Giffords is a model public servant. After an exemplary career in the Arizona State Senate, Giffords won the election to represent the 8th district of her state in the House of Representatives. A self described "Blue Dog" Democrat, Giffords worked hard to build a consensus on a variety of issues on both sides of the aisle. She was thought of fondly by almost everyone she ever came into contact with.

Today Gabbie--as she was commonly called--tweeted to her followers in her district to come to the local Safeway supermarket to attend an event she called "Congress on a corner." One of 5 events that she had scheduled for this day in what has been described as a typical effort on her part to make herself available to her constituents. Shortly after her tweet, an apparently deeply disturbed 22 year old man walked up to her and shot her in the face.

While I know this young man's name, I choose not to repeat it. He will be given plenty of coverage elsewhere until his name is no less ubiquitous than that of John Hinckley Jr. or Mark David Chapman. He will not get any help from me in reaching this level of infamy.

What I am concerned about today is the health of Gabbie Giffords--who is fighting for her life as I write this--the 11 wounded in various states of distress, and the 6 confirmed dead including a federal judge and a 9 year old girl. Yes, I am quite concerned about that.

I am also concerned about one more thing. The environment that quite likely contributed to the horrible tragedy in Tuscon today.

An environment of vitriol, hatred, and irresponsible word choices that lends voice, authority, and permission to the most fragile and unstable of minds.

Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer in her statement referred to the shooting today in her state as being "unimaginable." Really? Giffords' house was vandalized during the Health Care Reform debate, she had a brick thrown through her office, and Pima County Sheriff, Clarence Dupnick stated today, "I'm not aware of any public officials who are not receiving threats."So I ask again, really?

Even Giffords herself was aware of the risk. During the furor over Health Care Reform, Giffords referenced in an interview with MSNBC's Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie a "target list" on Sarah Palin's web site that literally showed a map of the United States with 20 districts across the country pinpointed with cross hairs. Including Giffords own eighth district.

Giffords herself said, "For example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is, that the way that she has it depicted has the cross hairs of a gun sight over our district. ...When people do that, they have to realize that there are consequences to that action."

How ghoulishly prophetic her words would turned out to be. Miss Palin has not been the only one engaged in such dangerous rhetoric. Although she may be the most prevalent in practice. Who can forget her efforts of crowd incitement during the 2008 Presidential Election? Referring to then Senator Obama as a "socialist" who "pals around with terrorists," and even questioning his birthright. People could be heard shouting "kill him!" at these events. Palin made no effort to quell this rising tide of hatred, she has instead created a whole cottage industry based upon her often incendiary views.

But she was hardly alone.

In March of 2009, House Republican from Minnesota, Michelle Bachmann said, that she wanted residents of her state to be "armed and dangerous" over President Barack Obama's global warming policies "because we need to fight back."

In July of last year, aspiring House Republican from Florida hired South Florida talk show host, Joyce Kaufman to be his Chief Of Staff. A woman who in discussing the coming mid-term election said, "If ballots don't work bullets will."

West himself, has referred to President Obama as "not a real American."

Republican Senate nominee, Sharron Angle of Nevada infamously stated, "And you know, I'm hoping that we're not getting to Second Amendment remedies. I hope the vote will be the cure for the Harry Reid problems." You know the second amendment don't you? Where it says the "right bear arms."

Republican Senate nominee, Joe Miller of Alaska's security team "arrested" an individual for wanting to ask the nominee a question.

Republican nominee for Governor in New York state, Carl Palladino threatened to "take out" a reporter for attempting to ask a question.

The list goes on and on.

While all of the above examples are of the Republican variety, there are those on the left who have engaged in foolishness or worse.

Jack Conway's Kentucky Senate bid against Republican, Rand Paul was derailed by a bizarre debate where he described Paul as being anti-Christian and a follower of something called "Aqua Buddha."

Even worse was a campaign ad by House Democrat, Alan Grayson in the state of Florida that described his opponent as "Taliban Dan."

"Taliban Dan" and "Aqua Buddha" shows that both sides can engage in profoundly irresponsible behavior, but Republicans have made it a regular practice. And if Republicans have made it a regular practice, then the right wing in Arizona have made it into an art form.

During a remarkable press conference this evening, Sheriff Dupnik updated reporters on the state of the investigation of the Safeway shooting and declared Arizona a "Mecca for prejudice and bigotry."

‎And one has to wonder, what in the hell is going on in The Grand Canyon State?

Several years ago, the state had to lose an opportunity to host the Super Bowl before they finally allowed the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. to be observed as a holiday in 1990. More than once, then and current Arizona Senator, John McCain voted against the observance.

Governor Brewer herself has engaged in inflammatory statements in regards to the state's illegal immigration issues, referring to beheadings and other crimes that there is little to no evidence of being perpetrated by undocumented Mexicans.

She doubled down on her efforts to alienate the state's considerable Hispanic population by signing into law an illegal immigration bill that usurps the authority of the federal government, asks law enforcement to participate in racial profiling, and is quite likely unconstitutional.

Hell, Governor Brewer even signed a bill into law that eliminates ethnic studies from being taught in the Arizona school system.

The heat of the mid-term elections did not miss Representative Giffords either. Her Republican opponent, Jesse Kelly, held an event called "'Help Remove Gabrielle Giffords From Office, " where the prize for showing up was getting to shoot a fully automatic M16 with the candidate.

You cannot make this stuff up.

Now, do I think any of these people who engaged in these veiled calls to violence wanted this to happen? Of course not. I'm sure that for the most part these were political calculations implemented to gin up the fervor of their base. And it certainly worked.

But at what cost?

I have no idea if this deeply troubled individual was affiliated with either party or any political group. Maybe he's just a nutcase that was compelled to act by all the voices in his head. Maybe the current state of division in our country coupled with the words of hate mongers on talk radio and television inspired today's assault. Maybe it's some of both.

What I do know is that all of the people criticized in this article have created a climate that has the potential to incite the angry, the extreme, and perhaps in this case, the deranged to horrific acts of violence.

Mrs. Palin has made a statement today decrying the attempted murder of Gabbie Giffords and has offered her thoughts and prayers to the family. She has also taken down the graphic on her web site that depicted the gun sites aimed at the 20 Democratic "targets." Earlier this year Mrs. Palin defended the use of this imagery against what she considered trite political correctness. Which begs the question, if nothing was wrong with it before and she feels no responsibility or shame, then why take it down now?

Perhaps she realizes that she and others of her ilk have made the weather. And now that the weather has manifested itself as a downpour of bullets, I don't want to hear them complaining about the rain.

January 8. 2010


  1. It is all out of control and it seems open season so do whatever people want who are in politics. I am saddened by the events that have lead to the murders of innocent people and hate to think that the actions of some have these type of consequences, but this has been brewing and the writing has been and will continue to be on the wall. I honestly am surprised this kind of thing does not occur more often due to the hatred of parties, the inability to listen and see ideas of others, the religious intolerance, and the horribly corrupt government that exists in our country. Sad times.

  2. Sharing...thanks! This was so tragically senseless!

  3. Thanks for sharing.

  4. God, after reading this in its entirety, I am nearly speechless. I hope some of this will sink in with those obsessed with vitriolic speech, which, yes, is free, and spend their energy on more positive, productive matters. But, I'm not counting on it.

  5. Now, I'm going to "share" it and wait for the nonsense to begin. Gee, thanks for including me. (insert sarcasm here).

  6. Sabrina Goodman-BeharieJanuary 9, 2011 at 1:30 PM

    Even now on MNBC and other media that are doing interviews, Tea Party Rep. from Idaho stated that the same rhetoric was alive and well during Bush's admin. I hardly think that is accurate-I don't remember a constant onslaught of hate and lies to this degree. I didn't hear statements like"if we don't do this by the ballot we'll do it by the bullet. Even now with this horrible incident, the blame is being put elsewhere. It is shameful and I despise the parties and individuals that feed into and have created this atmosphere.

  7. And even if that were true, why would you defend your bad behavior by pointing to someone else's? "He started it" is for children.

  8. Sabrina Goodman-BeharieJanuary 9, 2011 at 1:32 PM

    Yes David...but this is what we have representing America. America voted them in, and just like kids when they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar...they stand there with a blank stare on their faces saying "what???"

  9. Yep. Move along, nothing to see here.

  10. Thanks David. Brilliant as always! I am not sure I would have been so kind because in fact there are those who hoped for this day. As of today the FBI has connected the shooter to the hate websites so it all ties in. I shared this and asked others to do the same...again brilliant!!

  11. Thanks, Midge. I tried not to engage in the type of discourse that "they" do, but I don't think it made a difference. I've already been called a disgusting piece of crap. Coming from the guy who said it, I will wear the title like a badge of honor.

  12. Lol..Congratulations! That means your article hit home!

  13. Wow, I didn't know ANY of this. Thank you.

  14. You disgusting piece of garbage trying to blame this on someone else other than the person that committed this horrible act!...You go out of your way to blame Republicans for the rhetoric but do not include anything about Obama saying that people should "punish our enemies"...A president actually declared the American citizen his enemies and you don't consider that relevant...You also fail to realize that the shooter liked flag burning and the Communist Manifesto...Something not encouraged from the right...You want to blame someone...Blame yourself for showing one side of the issue and pretending to be objective.

  15. Oh, B. Martin. Everything written here is factual. You may disagree with my conclusions, but you can't fight the truth. Run from responsibility all you want. But words have meaning.


    Disgusting Piece of Garbage (I shall wear it like a badge of honor)

  16. Yes, You include some facts...You cite a preponderance of facts attacking one side and ignore most of the facts attacking the other side...What you are doing is the same exact thing you are accusing the political pundits of doing...Yes it is disgusting...I have yet to see any real facts saying he actually was a Palin supporter or even listened to anyone on the right...But, you use this tragedy to attack...Again you disgust me.

  17. The preponderence of facts point in that direction. Sad but true. As far as a connection to Palin:

    "I have no idea if this deeply troubled individual was affiliated with either party or any political group. Maybe he's just a nutcase that was compelled to act by all the voices in his head. Maybe the current state of division in our country coupled with the words of hate mongers on talk radio and television inspired today's assault. Maybe it's some of both."

    It's in the article. Reading is fundamental.

  18. The preponderance of the evidence points to the fact that he was an extreme nut job that did not fit into anything the right might of said...Would a Palin supporter be reading the Communist Manifesto and like flag burning...No...Making straw man arguments saying that he received his motivation from the right then actually saying that you can't prove it only ads to my original opinion of your post...Horrible...That is why you are disgusting...That is why you are hurting the political discourse in this country...Keep on throwing claims out there and see if some will stick...

  19. Was the shooter a member of the Tea Party?

  20. Of course, I can't "prove" that this fellow was affiliated or a supporter of the Tea Party. What I do think is unquestionable is that Palin and her kind have willfully created a toxic atmosphere where someone like this nutjob might just feel emboldened to take violent action. People are resposible for their rhetoric. Especially elected officials. And isn't it interesting that after this happened Mrs. Palin took down her cross hairs? Yeah, you're right. They have NO responsibility.

  21. No...He was not in the Tea Party...There has no proof offered to date to disprove this...If it is found out he was...Then, maybe you should have the discussion of what ALL politicians are saying...Including the President..Attacking the right prematurely only makes the left look bad...I doubt Palin or the Tea Party had any influence in his actions.

  22. But they do have a responsibility for the bilious atmosphere they have created which lends creedence to the unhinged.

  23. Sad, reflective article, David. So many examples of the right wing hate. This is a tragic and forseen conclusion by everyone. There were numerous, numerous media reports when this came out about this very conclusion.

  24. I think David is fair-minded, and wrote a fairly even-handed piece on a terrible tragedy. His general message that some on both sides are ratcheting up the rhetoric way too high is a perfectly reasonable.

    As for Republicans engaging in this behavior more than Democrats, I have the exact opposite impression, but I am conscious of the fact that if I listened to and trusted the same sources Dave does -- or he those that I do -- we might each hold a different impression. Neither of us has enough first-hand information to be truly sure ourseleves, let alone convince the other. It comes down to who we trust.

    As for the facts, David is very good at sticking to the facts when stating something as such, and most of his articles (despite disagreeing with the opinions) I would be happy to defend on the facts.

    Unfortunately, I did see one statement in this article reported as fact that is not. In Dave's defense, most news organizations also reported this as fact, and few followed up when the Secret Service investigation was concluded.

    I am referring to the allegations by a reporter that there were some in the crowd shouting "Kill Him", and that Palin heard and said nothing.

    The Secret Service takes this sort of thing very seriously, and interviewed all their agents present to see if they heard chants of "Kill Him" from groups or individuals (none did), and then listened to all the available recordings of the event and could find nothing.

    Without calling this reporter a liar (it is still possible someone nearby said something that irresponsible, without the Secret Service hearing, or it being caught on microphone), I do think it is obviously unfair for Palin and McCain to continue to be accused of allowing things like that to be said, when there is no reason to believe they heard it.

    BTW - You might note, Martin, that David politely conceded your point about where this young man appears to be coming from (politically).

  25. Whoops,

    Read these posts backwards. Misread some of the answers to some of those questions.

    I guess I should add, since I don't see it mentioned, that there is a twitterfeed in which a number of this young man's high school friends have described him as 'quite liberal'. I suspect this may be more a case of the far left not being happy with a (comparatively) conservative "Blue Dog" democrat, than a right wing attack on the left.

    In either case, none of us should try to burden the other side with the actions of a lunatic, or pretend said lunatic carries anyone's banner.

    This was a tradgedy for us all.

  26. To me it does not matter what political affiliation the shooter had so I think that is a fruitless argument. He clearly is a sick, individual who created his own world to justify his behavior. To David's point, the real world... the one that most of us live in... although, I'm beginning to wonder about you, B. filled with violent and dangerous rhetoric that can easily influence those who are susceptible. How we express ourselves has consequences... this holds true in our daily lives but is especially important for those in public roles to remember. Once said... it's out there. For better or for worse. I think folks in the political realm often get so caught up in winning they don't step back and look at how their actions come across. I sometimes wonder if they remember what they're fighting for. So, B. Martin, if you think it's "garbage" to value life and think more about issues than obliterating opponents then I believe you've sadly just proven David's point with your own anger-filled ramblings. If you want to have a difference of opinion go for it but it sounds like you'd rather stoop to insults. And, for that, I have to say shame on you. I encourage you to read through David's article again and look at the fact that a NATIONAL (not Republican, not Democrat) tragedy has taken place. And whatever party or political candidate you affiliate yourself with an important thing to remember is if the party or individual puts their politics before their humanity there's a huge problem. The political climate speaks for itself.

  27. Tony,

    Thanks for the defense, especially considering that we come from opposite sides of the spectrum. However, I remember viewing the video recording of the "Kill him!" statement shouted at one of the McCain-Palin rallies in 2008, and it was clearly audible.

  28. Although it is fair to say that some of these shouts may not have been clear to Mrs. Palin. However, when this was reported, Mrs. Palin did not take the time to "refudiate" it.

  29. Very well said, David!

  30. Cathy Paganelli KaelinJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:00 PM

    Cathy Paganelli Kaelin likes this

  31. Too bad it had to be said at all. :(

  32. Too bad it had to be said at all. :(January 9, 2011 at 2:01 PM

    Scott Huffman likes this

  33. Sabrina Goodman-BeharieJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:02 PM

    I'm hoping she pulls through and that she can return to the House,,she was considering a run for the Senate...

  34. This type of injury is considered devastating. God help her.

  35. The TeaParty has already started their campaign of blaming the shooting on the left.

  36. They have already started.

  37. Cathy Paganelli KaelinJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:04 PM

    I have to take a break from this horrible dysfunction. I need some comfort food. BBL. I love you all! Just being able to vent these emotions here in a safe place means the world to me.

  38. and here is the correct link directly to the article:

  39. An excellent look and documentation of the hate filled politics of today in America! Please read and pass along.

  40. TeresaLynn ZimmermanJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:07 PM

    ‎"Despite multiple witnesses who were aware that he was mentally ill, Laughner bought two handguns (including the crime gun) at Sportsman's Warehouse in Tuscon on November 30" Ladd Everett
    Let your voice heard.Join: Coalition To Stop Gun Vio...lence

  41. We need a coalition to stop 'Media Influenced Violence'

  42. Vic Grider likes this

  43. Blue Texasvalley likes this

  44. Patricia Farrell likes this

  45. Marsha Morgan likes this

  46. Judy Huff-Lee likes this

  47. Kent D. Wilcox likes this

  48. Grassroots NorthshoreJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:10 PM

    Grassroots Northshore likes this

  49. Organization for Educating Misinformed Tea Party PatriotsJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:12 PM

    That article pretty much nails it down. (Lance)

  50. Deirdre George DavisJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:14 PM

    "I shared this on my page ... EXCELLENT PIECE!!!!"

  51. Lemar Tanchoco-LegaspiJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:15 PM

    Lemar Tanchoco-Legaspi likes this

  52. Alva L. Starling likes this

  53. Esther Maria Sampayo BouloyJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:16 PM

    Esther Maria Sampayo Bouloy likes this

  54. Leigh Ann Cunningham ArmendarizJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:17 PM

    Leigh Ann Cunningham Armendariz likes this

  55. Nina Delany likes this

  56. Excellent work. Salut.

  57. Excellent writing, David!!!

  58. Thanks, guys. Wish there were no need for it.

  59. I know, David, but they have already started the "both sidesa do it" rhetoric. I have an ex coworker on my thread defending the rhetoric of the republican politicians and pundits. Feel free to visit and weigh in.

  60. Amy Melenbacker McMullenJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:24 PM

    Another well-reasoned and great piece David. Sharing.

  61. Beth Brotherton likes this.

  62. Kate Luce likes this.

  63. Latricia Shepherd-ThaxtonJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:31 PM

    Latricia Shepherd-Thaxton likes this.

  64. Jon Brown Fambrough-StoneJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:32 PM

    Jon Brown Fambrough-Stone likes this. likes this.

  65. Robert Erickson likes this.

  66. Rob Frigo likes this.

  67. ‎(Rob) Well said my brother. It's difficult to dispute common sense, and at the least it's amusing to watch Palin scramble beneath any rock that she'll fit under after all that she has said and done to damage any potential unity that our country could pursue. And to think, some people would be willing to make her a viable candidate for the presidency. Wow, prayers indeed!

  68. Well, they can call us anything they want, we're still right.

  69. Cheryl Jenkins JacksonJanuary 9, 2011 at 3:12 PM

    Cheryl Jenkins Jackson likes this

  70. Mike Ace Walter likes this.

  71. Awesome Article David! I enjoyed the whole thing! Thank you for posting!

  72. GhettoNewzAmerica likes this

  73. Excellent. I will post this.

  74. Michelle C. Stright-FotoJanuary 9, 2011 at 8:15 PM

    Michelle C. Stright-Foto likes this.

  75. Thurman Williams likes this

  76. Sulaiman Wasty likes this

  77. Dave Phillips nails it.

  78. Yep, he sure does.

  79. I wish somebody in the media would ask Sarah Palin why she issued a Fatwa for the assassination of Gabrelle Giffords.

  80. Not unimaginable... except for who the victims might be.

  81. And the little NINE year old who DIED and parents heartbroken today
    sign the petition Indict Palin :

  82. Michele Moreno-CheverezJanuary 9, 2011 at 8:26 PM

    Michele Moreno-Cheverez likes this

  83. Elizabeth Sue likes this.

  84. Maybe it was the Liberals who put so many restrictions on LAW ENFORCEMENT it would have not happened ---example aclu loves to sue cops

  85. Al Sharpton,, Alan Combes can say anything at all right! opps left !

  86. There are no such restrictions in Arizona. Not to mention you can take a concealed weapon nearly anywhere in AZ as long as you have a permit. Neither fact halped anyone yesterday. Know what you're talking about before you speak.

  87. Brigitte Clark likes this

  88. Luchy Stickelman likes this

  89. And then we had the perfect storm...Tragic.

  90. Naked Liberal (Pete)January 9, 2011 at 10:27 PM

    Karl, please explain how the liberals are restricting the police and how eliminating that would have prevented these killings.

  91. I am reading your article to my students this morning. I feel this is VERY relevant to todays political climate. Do you mind?

  92. David, I'm posting this.

  93. Thanks, Heather. I'm glad you found it useful.

  94. You little "Centerist", you. I mean that in the best way. A couple nights ago I put in my status "This is coming from the CENTER. Stop the SENSELESS VIOLENCE" I meant both sides and you proved my point.

  95. I consider myself to be very liberal. But also sane and practical as well.

  96. Let me guess that link is very far leftist writing. When are you liberals going to take this bad situation and come together as a nation instead of lying to divide this nation. What will happen when you find out he's a left wing nut job. Then what will you say?

  97. Thank you, David! This is so true, I agree.

  98. There have been many from the right who have actually said "Imagine if everyone there had a gun. This would have never happened". Really? I don't understand how the right can constantly dictate how things will turn out under a set of cir...cumstances that they prefer. "If you give tax cuts to the wealthy then they will pass those savings on to those that work for them". "If you took away unemployment, then those people would find a job". If you took away any social program, then, in their minds, the life of the people that benefits from those programs would be better off.See More

  99. Giffords owns a Glock 9. Six people are no less dead for that.

  100. Wade, he is a registered Republican.

  101. Republicans are desperate and grasping from straws, next thing you know a republican is going to say GOD told him the shooter was a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT


  102. Rooster thanks for that info!

  103. Just Bob likes this.

  104. I'm here just waiting for more hate from you loonie birds. Never let a tragedy go to waste. I'm seeing this from all of you. The shooter has been stalking her for 4 years. Get over it and he was a loonie leftist.

  105. Says the guy who didn't take the time to read the article. That's why the term "low information voter" and "republican" go hand and hand.

  106. Hey David,

    B Martin's reaction must mean you are hitting pretty close to home. When people really have no good argument to make, they tend to start calling names, attacking the messenger instead of the message.

    The shooter seemed to have a limited association with the reality that most of us perceive, so to try and associate him with the right or the left is a meaningless exercise.

    Violent analogies pervade our society, and are used on both sides of the political spectrum. I do agree that the rhetoric used by Palin, Angle and Bachmann, which you cite, seems a little over the top. However, someone who has the ability to understand that Palin's bulls eyes were analogical, would not be one who would pick up a Glock and go for a Saturday morning shooting stroll. It is the insane that hear the violent references literally, and the insane who will do the killing.

    The real problem here is that in Arizona apparently the insane can buy and carry a Glock! It may be the NRA who are the real villains in this tragedy.

  107. Still waitin on that revelation of truth...

  108. It's one persons view why read it. Of course we can find many things from our point of view whould you read that? NO.

  109. Nor would I comment on something I have not read, Einstein.

  110. John Krieger likes this

  111. Pete Bobb likes this

  112. What a GREAT article! Sharing!

  113. Dave Schemel likes this

  114. Allegan Dems likes this

  115. Carin Garcia likes this
