Thursday, July 16, 2009


Every time I hear one of our congressional leaders (be it republican Newt Gingrich in the old days or democrat Mr. Rogers er, Harry Reid currently) promise to get things done for the American people, it brings to mind an old favorite M*A*S*H* episode of mine. Major Winchester, upon learning that Colonel Potter has put him in charge while the Colonel goes on leave, informs Potter that "I shan't let you down." To which Potter replies "I know you shan't lad, because I don't expect nothin' of ya."

So when President Obama started twisting arms in congress this week to further health care reform, I thought, it's about damn time. But let's make it clear, the arms he's twisting for the most part aren't the republicans. No, it's the democrats. Specifically those republicans in jackass clothing. Democrats like Max Baucus of Montana, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and our very own Evan Bayh of Indiana.

See, I understand the republicans. They are revelling in being the party of "no" and are betting on the failure of President Obama's initiatives, thereby leading them to the retaking of the white house as well as the congress. Now while this may be foolish, childish, and several other ishes, it does on some level make sense. I mean, hey, it worked for the democrats last year didn't it?

Which brings me to the democrats. Those weak-kneed, lily-livered, yellow-bellied democrats. Many of whom rolled over and played dead during the first Bush term. They went along with "no child left behind," they authorized the Iraq war, the Patriot Act, tax cuts for the wealthy and pretty much anything else the Bush administration forced on them. It took them six years of being in the minority to stand up to President Bush. But before we give them too much credit, let's remember what had to happen first. The botching of the Iraq war, the failed response to Hurricane Katrina, and the implosion of our financial system. Only when Bush's approval ratings started to take a slide did the democrats toughen up. This found "courage" resulted in the retaking of both houses of congress in 2006 and the election of Barack Obama in 2008.

Now, with the historic opportunity to reform our health care system, President Obama has found that the enemy isn't really the marginalized republican party but the empowered democrats. There are few greater issues in our society that need tending to. Our health care system is in a terrible, broken state. "How broke is it" you might ask? Well, let me tell ya.

The United States spends 15.2% of it's GDP on health care. That's greater than any other country in the United Nations save the Marshall Islands. I don't know about you, but I've never even heard of the Marshall Islands, but I'm betting they pale in size and scope to the US of A. And what do we get for all this money that we pour into the system? Well, I suppose we can lead chants of "we're number 37." Which is where we rank against all the other countries in the world according to the World Health Organization. We are behind such noted powerhouses as Singapore, Iceland, Cyprus, Chile and Morocco. However, we can proudly say we rank two spots ahead of Cuba. Cuba. A tiny island with few resources led by a dying communist dictator. "We're number 37." Say it loud, say it proud.

Of course, you'll find plenty of people who will argue against socialized medicine. Those that believe that we'll end up like Canada, England or God forbid, The French. You want to know where those guys rank? Canada is #30, England #18 and what of the French? Well they're number one. It's not because they're smarter than us or have better medical schools. No, it's that they have learned something that we have failed to accept. That health care is a fundamental right of the people. That a "for profit" health care system like ours leaves too many people out in the cold. That the reason to become a doctor is to heal. Not to own multiple houses and cars.

Now I know that many people fear the word "socialism" in this country. But the truth is, our government system has always been a hybrid of socialism and capitalism. Here are some examples of socialism in the USA. The police, firemen, the educational system, the post office, state unemployment, Medicare, Medicaid, et cetera, et cetera. Last I checked, this country was still upright in spite of all this "socialism."

And really, why shouldn't health care be included with those services? Is there anything more essential to a healthy society than well, health? Shouldn't the access to a doctor and medicine be a right?

Republicans tell us that including a government option will put insurance providers out of business as people will opt out of their workplace provided plan and into the government plan. Why is this such a bad thing? Can you think of a more nefarious organization than the average health care provider? They take loads of your money and deny essential claims? If you don't believe that happens then I urge you to see "Sicko." I know, I know, it's a Michael Moore film. However, even many republicans found the movie stirring and truthful.

So I take great issue when someone says that the current administration is in too big a hurry. Remember, the last time we had a bite at this apple was in 1992 during the Clinton administration. So who knows when there will be political will to take this issue up again. In short, if not now, when?

Which brings me back to these centrist democrats. These "middle of the road" few who have the power to stall this legislation. I'm sure Ben Nelson, Max Baucus, and Evan Bayh are nice people. Hell, I've met Evan Bayh and can attest to it. But can anyone think of his great legislative accomplishments? It seems that what he's most known for is winning multiple elections in a red state. Perhaps that's what he fears, getting health care but losing an election. Which is the whole problem for me. Far too many of our elected officials would rather be re-elected than be remembered.

July 16, 2009


  1. Health care needs to be fixed, no question about that. However, the details need to be ironed out before more people will get on board.
    July 16 at 10:44pm

  2. I love it when you use the word jackass..
    July 18 at 5:20pm

  3. "...the basic dumbassedness.." enjoyed that phrase. I have always hated bull fighting and rodeos alike, and couldn't care less what people think about me for that. Go Bulls, I say. Good on them!
    July 11 at 9:29pm
