Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas For The Last Responders

"And so this is Christmas, and what have you done?"--John Lennon

Post 9/11, no political group has made more hay out of that terrible event than the Republican Party.

They used it as justification for a war against a country that did not attack us.

They used it as justification to pass legislation that infringes upon our civil liberties.

They used it as justification for the torture and denial of due process of suspected terrorist combatants.

They used it for the justification of the denial of religious freedom.

And they used it as a justification to label anyone that would argue against their justifications as socialists, communists, un-American, and worse.

Hell, one Republican candidate for President (Giuliani) used it so much that then Democratic Presidential hopeful, Joe Biden, referred to Giuliani's method of speech as consisting of "A noun, a verb, and a 9/11."

To a large degree, the Republicans have owned this issue. They have pushed their agenda through propagating fear of a second attack. They speak of a "post 9/11" mindset whenever anyone objects to their methods.

And they speak of heroes. The heroes in our military and those that were on the ground in New York City on that awful, fateful day. And they speak of those who bravely and soberly sifted through rubble breathing in noxious fumes searching for survivors and the remains of victims. They did so tirelessly in spite of the increasingly grim work it became. They did so even though the risk to their own health was considerable. Now, for many, the tariff created by that exposure has come due.

These selfless citizens have begun to suffer from the effects of breathing while working on Ground Zero. Respiratory issues and Cancer afflictions abound among their number. Many of them have lost their health care due to their conditions and inability to hold jobs.

These people are heroes.

To help these poor souls, a bill named after first responder and former NYC Police Officer James Zadroga is before the Senate today. This bill will provide desperately needed funding to address the various maladies affecting those that walked upon that hallowed ground in an often in vain effort to save lives. One would think this bill would be a "slam dunk."

One would be wrong.

And irony of ironies, it's not the feckless Democrats in congress who are holding up the bill's passage. No. It's those same Republicans who have used 9/11 as a wedge issue in our politics who have withheld aid from the first responders.

Why, you might ask?

Well, the first argument was that it needed to be paid for. So, the Democrats closed a corporate tax loop hole to pay for the bill. Not good enough said the Republicans. Apparently, Republicans didn't like the idea of using a tax increase for funding. So, Democratic Senator from New York, Kirsten Gillibrand, has countered with a 2% procurement fee for corporate contracts with certain nations. Therefore, there should be nothing else standing in the way.

That is, except Christmas.

Yes, the holiest of holidays is all that seemingly stands between this bill and its passage. Senate Republicans, John Kyl (AZ), and Jim DeMint (SC), have complained that attempting to get all of this legislation through during the holiday season is an affront to Christians. In other words, there just isn't enough time to do the people's business before they take their Christmas vacations.

This has been the argument against ratifying the START Treaty with Russia, repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and even funding the government. It's also, the reason why we can't seem to get to this bill passed for the first responders. There simply aren't enough days left on the calendar.

So, how did it come to this? Priorities is the answer. During the so called "Lame Duck Congress," Republicans stated that they would block all legislation until a compromise on the Bush Tax Cuts was reached. The sticking point being they couldn't stomach the idea of taxes going up for the top 2% of earners and therefore would allow no other business to go forward.

They have placed the need for tax relief for the wealthy above national security, equality, and the health care of the heroes they are so often eager to invoke when it suits their needs.

It is a disgrace.

There is not a single Democrat opposing this legislation. Yet, the most recent vote to bring the bill to a final "up or down" vote was filibustered by 42 Senate Republicans, keeping it from the President's desk.

To be honest, Democrats are to be blamed as well. Not for where they stand on the issue, but for not hammering away at Republicans for their position. They should have beaten them over the head with this on a daily basis. Not that shame works with Republicans, but politics does. And it is not good politics to deny health care to first responders. As usual, the Democrats have not been very good at playing the game. My only guess is that they couldn't have possibly expected this issue to become a partisan one. To this I say, "Have you not been paying attention for the last two years?!?" They have made EVERYTHING into a partisan issue. Even this.

You see, the Republicans have become the last responders. Part of this is due to the reactive nature of being in the congressional minority. The other part is due to a sort of nastiness behind their "Just say no" philosophy. They believe by saying "no" to everything that they will reap a political benefit. And the sad truth is, they did. The mid-terms resulted in a clear routing of the Democrats, flipping the House and narrowing their margin in the Senate. "No" worked.

But I have a feeling that "no" may be running out of support. At least where clearly popular legislation is concerned. And the Zadroga Bill is certainly that.

So I would suggest to Republicans who are concerned about their holiday plans to consider not just the many people who are out of work who would be more than glad to have the problem of working up until Christmas, but to also reflect on what going home without passing a bill to address the health concerns of first responders would mean. They have already staked out a claim to the anti-gay, anti-immigrant, and anti-Obama vote, but do they want to scratch around under rocks to appeal to the anti-first responder vote? I don't think they will find much benefit courting that constituency.

I have no doubt that if--God forbid--we are attacked tomorrow, the police officers, fire fighters, EMTs, and volunteers will come to the site of the devastation without any regard for their own health or safety. And I also have no doubt that the Republicans in congress will proceed with no regard for the health and the safety of these brave individuals either. At least not until it becomes so feasibly untenable for them to put it off any longer.

Well, that time is now. While they have delayed and obstructed this bill for months, they do have one last chance to respond before Christmas. One last chance to set this right.

Last responders, it is time to respond. Give the gift that will keep on giving.

Pass the damn bill.

December 20, 2010


  1. Simple... the first responders are not wealthy; ergo unworthy! Regressive catechism. Merry Christmas a$$holes.

  2. The democrats are pawns owned by the republicans in order to give the plebeians a vague sense that they have some political say. But in reality, they just push the same agenda: money. Money/wealth/power always comes first in a market society.

  3. I can't imagine anything bothering Jesus more than health care for first responders. Who do they think they are, Samaritans?

  4. Scott Huffman likes this

  5. George Cohen likes this

  6. Anthony Edward BorelliDecember 21, 2010 at 7:06 PM

    Anthony Edward Borelli likes this.

  7. Robert Myers Sr likes this

  8. Shawn Christopher OliverDecember 21, 2010 at 7:07 PM

    Shawn Christopher Oliver likes this

  9. Excellent read. Everyone read this.

  10. I did and it is great!

  11. Excellent, David. Great piece!

  12. It is an excellent read! Disgrace is not a strong enough word though David. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  13. Rob Frigo likes this.

  14. THE BLACK LONG ISLAND ICED TEA PARTYDecember 21, 2010 at 7:11 PM

    I hope they can do something. Republicans have no hearts.

  15. No minds either, if they think this is good policy.

  16. you are a real talent, honestly. i hope you get more eyes and success then i can provide in my small list.

  17. Paula Grier likes this

  18. Sebrena Mollay likes this

  19. Sabrina Goodman-BeharieDecember 21, 2010 at 7:14 PM

    Sabrina Goodman-Beharie likes this

  20. No excuses for non-passage.

  21. There will be publically reported hell to pay if it's not pass when Jon Stewart comes back on 1/3/11

  22. Stew deserves a ton of credit if this passes.

  23. This is a fantastic article. This is our last chance to help our first responders. We have a moral obligation!!!!

  24. Cheryl Jenkins JacksonDecember 21, 2010 at 7:17 PM

    Cheryl Jenkins Jackson likes this

  25. Allie Mcneil likes this

  26. Brigitte Clark likes this

  27. Mary J Simmons likes this

  28. Curtis L McDermott likes this

  29. Ronald Dene Larson likes this

  30. Jan Saunders likes this

  31. THEY BETTER VOTE TO PASS IT!! Those 1st Responders really got REALLY SICK!! A Lot of them are Dying!! Jeeze! Yah!

  32. I hope that the first responders don't answer the call if those Christians house catches on fire.

  33. Amazing how tax cuts for the rich take precedence over this. The Republicans are positively craven.

  34. Ann Plante likes this

  35. Love it David. Pass the damn bill.

  36. It is proudly on my wall!

  37. the bill will be passed when u stubborn pukes let go of fantasy land and learn to get along, negotiations are over , OUR WAY or the highway. go along or get out!!! THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN, YOU ARE IN THE MINORITY DCCC, GET OVER IT!

  38. That literally makes not a bit of sense. Thanks for playing though.

  39. Then watch Cspan then you illiterate twit.

  40. Ahhh, name calling. The last refuge of the truly ignorant. Well done, boyo.

  41. Aaron Gobraws DissentDecember 21, 2010 at 7:26 PM

    ‎^^Bob Lame rode the short bus and licked the windows clean...listen to that tard WHINE!!!!

  42. Bryan Taylor likes this

  43. Eleanor Reagan likes this

  44. Gary Tillman likes this

  45. Stephanie Roberts likes this

  46. Stephanie Moore BiekDecember 21, 2010 at 7:29 PM

    What a miserable situation. This makes me glad that I have avoided calling myself a Republican, because they should be ashamed of this behavior. And to use the excuse that passing the bill and doing all this "work" before Christmas is off...ensive to Christians? How DARE they use Christians as an excuse. Those politicians are reading the wrong gospels if they think that helping suffering people isn't reason for working harder. Didn't Christ heal on the Sabbath? They are acting just like the Pharisees did to him in that account. (Sorry to get all biblical on ya, this just steamed me up. :D)

  47. Don't apologize, it's a more than fair point. In fact, it is THE point.

  48. Keith Martin likes this

  49. I'm sharing and advocating! Thanks!

  50. I will be posting! Thank you!

  51. Joe Ferraro Likes this

  52. Christine Huber TapertDecember 21, 2010 at 7:38 PM

    Christine Huber Tapert likes this

  53. This sickens me to the core.

  54. All too true. Thanks

  55. Why must we throw our heroes away? Can't we break this inhumane habit?

  56. Melissa Howard likes this

  57. Göran Koch-Swahne likes this

  58. Russell Dale Yoney likes this

  59. Thanks David. This is so true.

  60. Dude, we must be really thinking alike. Get out of head man. LOL. Just kidding. I did write a Christmas article though based on How the Grinch stole Christmas. I submitted it. Should be posted in the next two days.

  61. Its good writing that makes the difference- your shit is great.

  62. ‎"Christmas for the last Responders." We were all outraged to hear that the bill for the 9/11 first responders health care was filibustered by 42 Senators in the GOP. There is still time for them to do the right thing before Christmas...Demand that they do it. NO POLITICS!!!!

  63. Denise Espinosa like this

  64. Eileen Evans likes this

  65. Stacey Marie likes this

  66. Sheila Oxford likes this

  67. I am looking for a first responder at 9/11 who is directly affected by this bill not being passed. I want to represent this situation in my Art As Social Inquiry project. Please feel free to contact me if you know someone.

  68. Mary Elizabeth likes this

  69. From my friend David, an article about the bill to give aid to 9/11 First Responders who have suffered terrible health effects from working in the toxic chemicals at the Towers site.

  70. ANd a 911 REsponder in a pear tree

  71. Jennifer Krause likes this

  72. Bravo! Good stuff about bad people.
