Tuesday, December 7, 2010

That Winter Chill Obama's Feeling Ain't No Hypothetical

That nip in the air that the President is feeling today has less to do with the December weather than it does the harsh reaction from progressives in congress--and around the nation--in reaction to the compromise he brokered with republicans on the Bush tax cuts.

Progressives are mad, steamed to the bone and ready to jump ship. How could the President extend tax cuts for the top 2% of earners in this country? What is he thinking? Has he lost his mind?

No. He's simply doing the math.

Republicans in the senate have made it clear that they would filibuster, delay, and obstruct any other initiative until the Bush tax cuts were extended for everyone. Of course, they don't really care about everyone. They really care about the rich ones. Also known as their base.

This is where the right drew their line in the sand. This is what they stand for: Tax cuts for the rich. Oh sure, they say they care about the deficit. But when it comes to tax cuts for the wealthy..."deficit, what deficit?" They will argue that the tax cuts will pay for themselves by creating growth and jobs. Just like they have for the last seven years. What's that you say? The economy tanked, unemployment soared, and the auto and banking industries almost disappeared since those growth creating Bush tax cuts? Oh, come on. This time will be different. This time, the republicans ride in on unicorns and sprinkle fairy dust on the economy and this time it will work. You just wait and see.

Now, back to the math. I hear a lot of wailing from democrats in congress right now about how the President gave away too much and didn't fight hard enough. Well, I would ask these suddenly courage afflicted and outraged souls: Why didn't you push for this vote months ago when the President wanted it and you had more leverage. Oh, that's right. You guys punted the issue until after the mid-terms because you didn't want to take any more "tough" votes before the election, you poor babies. Now you have the stones to toss angry words at the President you left holding the bag.

Okay, okay. This time the math...really. Last weekend the senate took two votes that were alternatives to this admittedly sickening compromise. The first was a measure that would have only extended the tax cuts for those who make less than $250,000. It failed. The second was an option that extended tax cuts for those who made less than $1,000,000. It failed too. Neither vote could muster more than 53 yeas from our oh so esteemed senators. And here's the thing: There are 58 democrats in the senate right now. Think about that, they couldn't hold together their own caucus to even come up two votes short of breaking the filibuster promised by the fleece patrol on the right. But yeah, it's the President's fault.

The same way it was his fault that Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson wouldn't support a public option for health care reform.

It's math, people. And the votes didn't add up.

So, the President was left with the choice of negotiating a deal that would allow 13 months of uninterrupted unemployment benefits for the out of work, a 2% payroll tax cut, and a permanent extension of the tax cuts for the middle class in exchange for a two year extension for the wealthy. Or, he could have stomped his feet and put on a show and got nothing.

Now, some would argue that the republicans would have eventually given in and extended unemployment benefits for the jobless. Let's assume that presumption is correct and the republicans would have eventually approved unemployment benefits in January before the new congress starts. That would mean millions of people would have went 6-8 weeks without a check. They would be out in the cold...literally. Unless of course, you think the mortgage lenders and land lords would be offering a forbearance on their notes. This may be a crap deal, but it's the best deal out there for those living at risk.

I was recently debating this issue with a self proclaimed progressive who said "The President can't rule the country just for the 10%." Never mind what an interesting choice of words "rule" is, these are people not a statistic. And mind you, unemployment benefits are one of the best stimulative maneuvers you can provide the marketplace with. Every dollar paid out in unemployment is worth a buck .60 to the economy. Last I checked, the economy affected all of us, not just the 10%. See, I got stats too.

You know, this isn't a hypothetical. My dad went without a job for two years. During that time the only work he could find was two soul sucking, demeaning temp jobs. Only last month, he finally got a permanent gig. If not, he and my mom would have been living in my basement by now. Oh sure, if he were still unemployed and the republicans had eventually given in on unemployment benefits, it would have been retroactive and he would have received back pay. But you try going two months without any income during the winter season when the cost of heat rises and the bills don't stop. And some of you want to tell me that the President didn't stand up for the American people today? What American people are you referring too? Give me a break.

Some would argue that this President is no different than the republican that preceded him. That democrats and republicans are essentially the same. But I will tell you there is one clear difference between us and the republicans. They will walk arm in arm in unison even if their destination is over a cliff. They stick together for better and (usually) worse. To be honest, some on the far left (which I typically consider myself to be), are just as hung up on ideology, purity, and perfection as the "teabaggers" they profess to hate so much. They are led by emotion, not facts, nuance, or complexity. And they will be forever left in the marginal wilderness of history along with the Green Party, the Socialist Party of America, and the hippies. Oh yeah, they had big plans...and minuscule results.

But I get it, you're angry. So angry you can't hardly stand to be in your own skin and you feel the need to lash out.

I would suggest you save your venom for those that deserve it the most, the republicans whose only principle seems to be giving this country to the wealthy, the corporations, and the special interests. Or, if you must throw verbal stones at the democrats, aim them for that weak kneed bunch in both houses who were too fragile to take a difficult vote until all their leverage had been lost during a brutal election cycle.

As for this President, the guy who saved the auto industry, made it harder for your health insurance provider to screw you over and kept the unemployed in their homes--quite literally saving lives--there are two words you should say to him...Thank You.

December 7, 2010



  2. Your opinions are good. Many people are saying the same thing.

  3. Excellent. I'm with you 100%. I've been dropping the whiny cry babies like flies.I don't need them. You've said it beautifully.

  4. Thanks, Robert. So far no one has cut me loose. I'm sure a defriend is on the way soon though.

  5. I'm sure, but it's probably for the best. The next two years will be very telling in many ways, including the way the left behaves. We're better off without the whiners.

  6. Just feckin' AWESOME win, Dave.

  7. Thanks, Hoadie. Been burning in me all day.

  8. That's what a lot of people are saying this morning, Dave. Yesterday night some fool attacked me personally on their page regarding my positions, indicating that I'm a bully and I defriended her because she disagreed with me. The only problem was I didn't defriend her and had no idea that she commented on my thread (I think it was on Jane Hamsher). I actually defriended a guy in that same thread who started taking personal shots at a person who wasn't even on the thread and I defriended him and told him to take a hike. This other fool thinks I was talking about her and attacks me on her page. I should laugh at that stuff, but it hurt a little- I would never trash a person who I defriended or defriended me in a status post. They defriend me, I move on.

  9. You're a good man, Matt. I may suffer some defriending too once this piece makes the rounds. Ces la vie. It is what I believe.

  10. Same to you, Matt. We definitely drink from the same fountain, my friend. These clowns are like a black and white TV, no colors, no shade no nuance. Your right, fuck them. Feel free to share the new submission if it moves you. You know I got your back. Renaissance man...I like that.

  11. Peace, Dave. You're on fire this week.

  12. Hate to agree, but...

  13. I call it right on, brother. Reposting.

  14. THE BLACK LONG ISLAND ICED TEA PARTYDecember 7, 2010 at 10:15 PM

    THE BLACK LONG ISLAND ICED TEA PARTY I love him. This is a good article. Frosty The Snowman has melted because even he is ashamed of the Democrats. As far as I am concerned, they wanted him to fail more than the Republicans. Where is your spine? Why didn't you get out the...re for President Obama? James Carville where is your balls since he needed to get one from Hiliary Clinton and Jesse Jackson, where is yours since you wanted to cut his off. None of you have had the balls or the Republicans would not have the House. None of you have half the balls that this President has because you left him out there to fend for himself. Shame on you Democrats and shame on you Black America.See More

  15. David Phillips calls down progressives who are jumping ship on the president. Changed my mind, I can tell you. Money quote: "As for this President, the guy who saved the auto industry, made it harder for your health insurance provider to screw you over and kept the unemployed in their homes--quite literally saving lives--there are two words you should say to him...Thank You."

  16. Thanks for messaging me David, this is exactly how I feel, beautifully articulated :)) great great job as always :))

  17. How much does Dave Phillips rule? Answer: In a major way.

  18. Chris Norcott likes this

  19. Julius Agers likes this

  20. Tonia 'Toni' Hill likes this

  21. Dave Phillips is number one. All others are second or lower.

  22. I feel ya, i feel ya. I am gonna pass this one around! Epic!

  23. Yep.

    "As for this President, the guy who saved the auto industry, made it harder for your health insurance provider to screw you over and kept the unemployed in their homes--quite literally saving lives--there are two words you should say to him...Thank You."


  25. Dave did great work here.

  26. lawrence o'donnell made an excellent point on his show in response to progressives who wanted to let the tax cuts expire new year's if they didn't get their way. he reminded them that the republicans take over the house in january and that ...tax bills originate in the ways and means cmte in the house...how do think negotiating would go then? also, he pointed out that if the rates reverted back to the clinton rates now, for the lowest income bracket their taxes would go from10% to 15% -- a 50% (!!!) increase. these critics of the compromise are idiots and, obviously, rich themselves to be so cavalier about the unemployed and the working class.See More

  27. It's refreshing to see this thread....and to avoid all the other posts where Obama bashing is featured front and center.

  28. Yeah, your right Tim. It's like they've been laying in wait to push their cynicism button and make water all over the President's shoes. When Ezra fricking Klein says this is the right thing to do, and O'Donnell says it was the only thing to do...well, they're pretty smart guys.

  29. I think that it was a tough call, but ultimately the best one. It's all about the economy. If something doesn't get done to keep things moving, to increase demand, then the economy won't improve. And the Democrats will be toast.

  30. Sean Fedd likes this.

  31. Yes Leigh, I am slowly pulling myself back from the abyss. If he didn't have to look out for the well being of 500 million people, perhaps he could have been a little more bold... I don't know... ... I am so angry I cannot hardly stand to be in my own skin and I feel the need to lash out.

  32. Bill Dauphin likes this.

  33. Phillip A Daily likes this

  34. Let's lash in the right direction, guys. And I do mean RIGHT direction.

  35. Good morning I just saw this. I've been so beat up over the last couple of days, I am ducking in my sleep. I hope you got to see the Lawrence O'Donnell show, The Last Word show last night. He was so angry that it was refreshing. After seeing Olbermann and Maddow slice and dice the president for doing this he put it all in perspective. He was in Congress at one point so has a greater understanding then most about what's going on. I was beginning to think I had lost my mind and that everyone else was right but not after watching that show. I sat in on Senator Bernie Sanders call last night and normally I'm a supporter but while his intentions are good he is further complicating this situation and the call was filled with progressives. I'm glad I'm not alone. I have been unfriended as of last night by 4 people and probably more to come but that's ok. You do know I launched the national website right? Still looking for more dedicated people to help in this battle if you are interested or know of someone who is. Nichole Nichols has started a very progressive club and there is more to that story if you want to know. Thanks for including me on this note, it's cold out there. :-) I'm going to share this article above. Let them all unfriend me if they want to... Midge

  36. Yes!!!! THAT is your voice, loud and clear, LOVED it!

  37. Jonathan-Livingston Pigeon, doctDecember 8, 2010 at 6:38 AM

    The Commander-In-Chief had no wiggle room. Republicans vowed to shut down the government and the President is too much of a gentleman to let that happend. Tea Republicans and Right Wing Crazies are playing hard ball. They only care about political power - not people. . .not the economy, just raw power.

  38. Teresa Segrest RisleyDecember 8, 2010 at 6:41 AM

    In David's article I learned that two votes failed. I can somewhat understand the first vote because I believe that there are plenty of couples making 250K that may not be considered "filthy rich", but refusing to pass the proposal that extended tax cuts to those making less than $1 million??? Ridiculous.

  39. Amy Melenbacker McMullenDecember 8, 2010 at 6:53 AM

    Excellent perspective David. Unfortunately the Dems were hobbled by the blue dogs during the past two years and getting anything done was an uphill battle. You see, progressives never had a super-majority, it was only an illusion

  40. Exactly. And people like Keith Olbermann can pretend all they want that the converse was true, but they will just end up sounding like 8 year olds that dumped their sno cones.

  41. Real, letter of the law Liberals won't defriend you, my man. Extremists will. Of course I'm not completely sure if that's the case since I am defriending all extremists. :) Just a good hypothesis!!!

  42. Even the extreme liberals will "get over it" as soon as the Repukes roll out their idiotic candidates like Palin or Newt the liberals will vote for Obama in 2012, if not they were really Republicans in the first place. No true liberal would let a Republican win or vote for a Republican.

  43. If your have read any of my posts you would know that I agree with you 100% on this. My initial reaction was one of anger and then I let it set in and realized that this had to be. You are 100% correct, the conservatives stick together like glue. We are not built that way and I will accept that. But maybe now we can have that discussion on what those tax cuts are doing to regular everyday people like your father and my son. As always a good read David.

  44. Matt Yeazel + Joe Crisi = My back got. Thanks, guys. For real. I've spent a lot of time recently being called a faux liberal and worse for being pragmatic and considering the political realities at hand. Good to know I'm not alone.

  45. Del Wasso likes this.

  46. J Claud Stewart II likes this.

  47. What an awesome article .... the authors insight is right on target!

  48. Very insightful. More people should read this

  49. Glad you like it...hope more read it.

  50. Bravo! Beautifully written! Thank you for sharing that, Midge. There's only one thing I disagree with: I think the hippies actually made a big impact on this country. :)

  51. ‎@Tracy, I agree...they changed the direction of this country.

  52. That aside, though, this man has it right!

  53. I like; do the math!

  54. Hey guys, it's nice to see a sensible bunch of liberals like yourself. Watching Keith Olbermann last night was like seeing a 9 year old drop his sno cone. Where is the maturity and reason in this debate? Is the President the last grown up left in politics?

  55. Very good read, and I agree, more people should be reading this.

  56. Amy Melenbacker McMullenDecember 8, 2010 at 7:34 AM

    I honestly think it's time to re-think the senate rules on the filibuster. I know we'd miss it if we become the minority again but simple majority should be the rule IMHO.

  57. Art Martin likes this

  58. I too, was mad at first. But, I love watching the way politics work, and I am now wondering if this is a brilliant move. Maybe the Democrats are calling them on their bluff? We know the tax cuts need to go away to ever reduce the deficit, b...ut the extreme right seems to want it all. They can't have it all, IMO.

    This may be a way to call their bluff and see what they do. It is not over yet, is it?See More

  59. We are with you David!

  60. Erick Whinbush Likes this

  61. ‎@Trol, both sides of the aisle are pinning their hopes on this one. If unemployment goes up, the President gets the political "win"... See cutting taxes for the wealthy really DOESN'T create jobs... If unemployment goes down, the Republ...icans get it.

    Stay tuned. Regardless how it turns out, someone is going to have a giant chip to play with in 2012.See More

  62. I think it may be a win win either way for the Dems. We'll see...

  63. Gail Bracy likes this

  64. I sent a copy of this article to a liberal DEM friend that is not on FB, that just called & read me the riot act over Pres. Obama's COMPROMISE with the GOP's extension of the tax cuts to the rich; quoting Olbermann, Rachel and all the ...HANGMEN as experts that are furious with Pres. Obama! She claimed it was no compromise; and that the GOP had nothing to give back in return. I could not get her to understand that the GOP was going to filibuster if we didn't do this compromise and millions of poor people would suffer. I've thrown my hands up in the air with some of these Dems! She said she was willing to pay more taxes next yr. not to see the rich get a tax extension, really absurd, since she can't afford her cost of living now!!See More

  65. We got nothing? Ezra Klein has referred to this deal as a "back door stimulus" that has more progressive ideas in it than the original stimulus. Whatever. Some people are just married to their certitude and refuse to reason. They sound a lot like those people on the far right that they hold in such short regard.

  66. THANK YOU...I have been on the fence...at first OUTRAGE...was all I felt..then started to read and listen more...and try to understand...
    today...I support my president more than before...he stood up for the working people even knowing the p...olitical risk....Do I want him to stop yelling at us and try to understand our frustration..hell yes
    would I have wanted him to try to discuss (and then maybe blow) the compromise before...yep...
    but just heard richard wolfe (think that is his last name)...say beyond what the dems and the people of this country got....they got the first real compromise from the gop
    now that truly is a step forward...
    I say as soon as this passes....and I think it will pass....then campaign loudly...and everywhere...to expose exactly what the gop did...See More

  67. We have got to EXPOSE the GOP! That's some mean MotherF**kers!

  68. Yes if unemployment goes down the President will get the credit and we Dems can call the Republicans on the deficit because of these tax cuts.

  69. Tell your representatives to VOTE NO!

  70. The $1 million was a real compromise, but it too was shot down, 53 votes to 38. The Senate rules about filibusters are killing us. No longer is a clear majority enough to carry a measure. This is a broken system.

  71. Nah, I'm not buying it. The Republicans are like the crazy girlfriend who puts the gun to her head and demands marriage. Obama should have called their bluff and walked away. At least the Republicans would have been fumbling around looking ...for words and apologizing when all the fingers were pointed at them. He doesn't want to "play" politics? Then get out of politics! It's like going to the gym but not wanting to sweat. He doesn't want it bad enough. Unfortunately, until the other side starts electing politicians who will be honest and play nice, we can't think we'll sit up on our moral high ground and win the battles! Go ahead, bring a knife to the gun fight, see if you don't get your head blown off!!!! Playing fair and winning against a cheater only happens in movies, not in real life. See what happens when you box with someone wearing brass knuckles. You think Ali would have gone, "well I lost, but I played fair, congratulations competitor". The Republican's ideas are bad for the economy and society, but they fight for them, and we don't fight for ours, that's why they are almost always victorious. We need to put their feet to the fire and force them into submission. As long as they know we'll cave because "we're the moral ones", they'll continue to play dirty.See More

  72. True, Vawn. I am frustrated too. Hey, this is when us Hillary supports get to say, "see, I told ya so". I know he doesn't have a choice, but people are just not going to understand. I think he won't run in '12. Didn't he say, if he couldn't fix the economy in 4 years he wouldn't run again?

  73. Oh Vawn! Snap! I feel every word and am just as pissed. Even yelled at the tv.

  74. So let's get this straight, he had no choice and "I told ya so?" Yeah, that makes sense.

  75. Laura I'd be shocked stupid if he didn't run again. If a real liberal like Anthony Weiner runs against him in the primaries, I would vote against Obama. However, if he does win and he ends up in the general, I'd have to vote for him. The only thing worst for liberals than Obama is a conservative Republican.

  76. David, I am beginning to see the light...

  77. Hey, David, along the lines of your article, think about this: Why are the Republicans pushing so hard to get us upset at our party? Why do they want us to call our leaders and have them vote No? Newt was on our local station (Fox report ,o...f course, I live in Utah) and he was going on about how the Democratic party had really upset their base and blah blah blah and it seemed pretty obvious he wants the dems to back out, and have the cuts expire on their own. This way, they get the deficit going down and please the baggers while telling the base of his party "Well, we tried but the dems wouldn't let us)....

    Sound feasible?See More

  78. Janet, I had to do some serious soul searching too.

    Trol, they do it because it's so damn easy.

  79. Cheryl Jenkins JacksonDecember 8, 2010 at 1:35 PM

    Cheryl Jenkins Jackson likes this

  80. Political pragmatism is not for the faint of heart. In every negotiation, something is won and something is lost. The real issue with this now will be the Republicans taking credit for any improvement in the economy with more sound bytes on how they saved the Democrats from themselves. No way was the Republican Party going to allow their funding base to be disrupted.Let's Suck it up and move on. We have work to do… (And you thought getting INTO power was the hard part right? :)

  81. John Corzan likes this

  82. Good job, David. The difference between having opinions, and actually having to run the country are immense. I am not happy that the regressives are succeeding in their goals, and am not sure what this capitulation means in the long run. Furthermore I will not believe that Obama is going to get everything the regressives have promised until I actually see it delivered; they are totally unprincipled when it comes to anything other than seeing to it that the wealthy get wealthier.

  83. don't think DE-funding Social Security as much of a deal. The bill PASSED in the house with a majority the first time. Why has the bill NOT gone to the President to be signed??????

  84. I'm glad that there's still some of us on the left that didn't let their emotions affect their common sense, for a minute I thought the tea-baggers had successfully infiltrated the left and spread their ignorance and fear disease on us. David you hit it on the head, I just hope in time everybody else on the left will see that the president did the best he could with what he had to work with.

  85. Sure, you can spin it that way, but it just proves how he failed to lead the Dems to do this well before the election. The reason it was in danger, the reason it was last minute, it because the Senate is broken to the core, and even when the Dems had 60 votes, they were too timid to use it. They should have made the GOP filibuster on the senate floor, they should have humiliated the GOP for their all-for-the-rich stance. They should have made this a rallying cry WELL BEFORE THE ELECTION, and you know maybe there'd be more dems around next Congress.

    Did Obama make the best out of a bad situation with this "compromise"? Maybe. But he should have NEVER LET US GET INTO THAT POSITION.

  86. Well said David, thank you so much for this articulated piece. I must share this article as I think it will help some progressives that are stomping their feet right now, rethink their stance and hopefully get back behind our President and ALL his efforts to make America better once again.

  87. Strong words for strong times. Thanks.

  88. Took me a while but I am beginning to get it...still not cool with the increase in the debt and believe the repubs have placed our nations long term prosperity in jeopardy. But on the other hand, I am seeing how this can work to our benefi...t as a party.

    I need to make this perfectly clear. I don't care what happens in the next two years, I will not vote anything but Dem! No matter how pissed I may get at the decisons the President makes; I will never be a Republican, regardless!See More

  89. It's a hard pill to swallow for certain. But it isn't JUST tax cuts for the rich. There's other good stuff in here too that would never have gotten passed in a separate bill.

  90. History will tell but in the mean time this was necessary in the financial crisis we are in. It is a bitter pill for an ailing society in desperate need. President Obama had no choice but to give the Republican what they demanded or the government would have shut down, million would lose their UI, more would lose their homes, more would be hungry with no holiday at all and the Shuttle would not have had a chance to launch on time.

    The Repugs gave him no option but he did get some things from them they didn't want to give, too.

  91. Ronald Dene Larson likes this

  92. I don't really understand.

  93. Read the article. Are you kidding? This is such a clear sighted article on why the president made the decisions he did. http://www.thirdreport.com/third-report.asp?storyid=239

  94. I understand what he did. I don't understand the "winter chill" he is getting.

  95. I support his decisions all the way and his approval rating has gone up I heard today!

  96. The far left is beating him up on everything. They are as bad as the teaparty on the right...so in essence he is getting the winter chill from his own base...of course that is not all of us, just the extreme left.

  97. That is what I really am having a hard time with. I had always considered my self a bleeding liberal which I thought was the far left but I am beginning to believe I am not anymore and I am fine with that. I am a loyal democrat that was just how I was raised.

  98. Joe Crisi If i may put this out into the open.
    I would suggest you save your venom for those that deserve it the most, the republicans whose only principle seems to be giving this country to the wealthy, the corporations, and the special interests. O...r, if you must throw verbal stones at the democrats, aim them for that weak kneed bunch in both houses who were too fragile to take a difficult vote until all their leverage had been lost during a brutal election cycle.

    As for this President, the guy who saved the auto industry, made it harder for your health insurance provider to screw you over and kept the unemployed in their homes--quite literally saving lives--there are two words you should say to him...Thank You.See More

  99. Anne Plante likes this

  100. joe crisi- how about all those that lost their insurance because of the healthcare bill. how about all the companies that are trying to get exemptions and are not granted them and those employers have to get rid of their healthcare for their employees. should they be saying thank you?

  101. James Cook I have no idea what you are talking about. Your fellow Republicans have been on here, almost daily, talking about all the waivers that have been granted. I know of no one in my area, and that is all I can tell you, that is dropping their coverage. I do taxes for over 50 businesses that provide health care coverage and none of them are dropping it.

  102. I was lost on that one too. Seems like that would have gotten a shitload of coverage were it true.

  103. Evidence, James Cook. You've made a serious charge. Do you have anything to back it up?

  104. Just about everyone out there is blaming everything on the HC bill. I think I told you guys that Highmark wanted a 30% increase. They blamed the HC bill as well. We turned them into the Attorney General and our rate went up 8.5% with another provider

  105. I think he may be talking on a local level, but I'm not sure.

  106. I don't think he's a bad guy. Just a little uniformed. Of course I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt.

  107. Funny one talks about no waivers and that dope Akers is saying they granted 222.

  108. I was wrong, he isn't a nice guy. He just messaged me and said I was "beaten". I didn't know we were scoring.

  109. @Tom:Dems NEVER really had 60 votes. For openers, Joe LIEberman was no loger a dem, and it's only a matter of time before he proves it by switching parties. Of the remaining 59, you have blue dogs, that are really far left republicans, but being far left of a repub is still far right of most dems.

    History is a lesson that needs retention, for if not, anybody who shouts loud enough can rewrite it. When Pres Obama took over, the number one reason that corporations used to validate outsourcing was benefits costs. The number one factor in reducing benefits costs was reforming healthcare. When first taken on, HCR was about jobs, but the shouters who know how to do it individually AND in unison, did both; claiming that HCR should be placed on the back burner to concentrate on jobs. They are masterful at changing message, perception, and in effect, memories. Nov 2010 was a result of them employing all three tactics, with seemingly unlimited funds. Far too many Americans bought it, which means that we will see these same tactics in 2012, even though they control the House. They will point fingers at dems inability to govern, and the same people who fell for it in Nov, will fall again. The "fool some of the people all of the time" quote fits them best.

    So, when I hear about the "inability to pass laws when they had a super-majority" line, I just cringe. Cringe with the knowledge that there lies one more person who has bought into the republican propaganda. When EVERY repub is obstructing, how can it be the dems fault that they cannot get beyond filibusters? Civics needs to be taught in schools again, because it is becoming increasingly obvious that far too many don't understand the legislative process. Schoolhouse Rock for Intro to Legislating 101 (see link).


  110. @David Phillips--Thank you for putting it so well!

  111. @ David
    The blue dogs need to be put down if they won't fall in line. Simple as that. The reason the GOP can beat us when they have a minority in the senate is because the Dem leadership has no balls. If the blue dogs want to stay in the party, they better start acting like dems, because in EVERY vote hat mattered, they voted with the GOP. They voted down everything. They need to go. NO re-election funds, primary challengers, if they're not with us they're against us.

    If the GOP wants to filibuster, make them do it on the floor. Work to remove the filibuster altogether. Shame the GOP every chance. Hold cloture votes every day on national TV and say "The GOP is blocking benefits for the unemployed." Show the faces of children who won't get their next meal because DeMint is an evil bastard.

    The Dems like to act like they're above the fray. In reality, they just never fight back. The GOP doesn't win, the Dems just beat themselves.

  112. @Tom:All the repubs ever needed was 40 votes, and they have always had it. AR had a blue dog, and ran Halter against her. She won, and because of her win, progressives protested by their absence. End result: AR Sen is now a repub. It's not that dems are ball-less, it really is more that dems are independent thinkers, to a fault. Part of the problems with blue dogs are that they also "steal" repub voters and indies that don't want to align themselves with repub ideologies. Once a blue dog gets challenged, they lose the indies and any of the repubs that get their votes in "closet fashion".

    As for the filibuster, I'm glad that Pres Obama finally called them terrorists, as I've been calling them that since Bunning complained that he was missing the UK game to stop people from getting unemployment bennies. They have NO shame, and have rationalized that for every 100 ppl that are unemployed, less than 30% are repubs, so they don't care about any of them, knowing that they can shout loud enough, come election time, for that 30% to fall in line.

  113. Excellent debate here. Look, we get mad at Obama all we want. But as long as the senate has this ridiculous filibuster rule, the only number that matters is 60. And all the hemming and hawing and sturm und drang matters not unless you can make the math work. According to Lawrence O'Donnell and Ezra Klein, this is a deal we should take. Those are two pretty smart guys.

  114. @David P: Exactly!! The math is ALL that has ever mattered. People don't realize the math was not in the public option, no matter how many Americans wanted it. As I'm listening to Clyburgh, this is something that you would NEVER see from repubs!! They wonder why they cannot negotiate from a position of strength, all while we air our dirty laundry in public, weakening our political clout!

  115. Deirdre George DavisDecember 8, 2010 at 8:43 PM

    WOW ... gotta reread and absorb that one!!!

  116. Teri Kamaunu likes this.

  117. This appears to be a very well read article. I think that it is precisely because you are "taking on your own." The only people who appear to read the articles in TTR are people who by-and-large agree with you (Anthony excepted). So it is usually just preaching to the choir. This time you screamed at the choir... and apparently you got their attention... well done!

  118. Fighting for what is right, and for what you believe in is more than doing arbitrary math. The Republicans are leading this President around like a prize horse, and don't think the republican base doesn't see it and cheer for their local Republican. Who do you think they will vote for? The guys who didn't really care about unemployment or them, or the guys who got one on that evil Socialist while still getting unemployment benefits, and tax cuts for the rich?


  120. Yet again, a beast. Bang up job, Dave. Bang up.

  121. Anthony Edward BorelliDecember 9, 2010 at 11:11 AM

    Anthony Edward Borelli likes this.

  122. Anthony Edward BorelliDecember 9, 2010 at 11:50 AM

    Hey David, Thought you'd want to know, this article set a new traffic volume record for the Third Report. Nice work!

  123. I’m not a huge fan of Obama. I was a staunch Hillary supporter and still feel she would’ve been a far better president. But the truth is (as my boyfriend has consistently pointed out to me) that whether it be Hillary or Obama, they would’ve ran into the same Republican B.S. that our president is running into. Time and time again the Republicans show that they are united (for the most part) as a party, but what they unite against, and how incredibly irrational they are about it, shows their true colors. They’re not interested in the American public, they’re simply interested in their own party, power, and influence. Sad. And yet, people continue to vote them into power…but I digress.

    Anyhow, the point of what I am trying to say is, Obama ended up compromising in order to help out the American people. There are a lot of people out of work right now, and like you pointed out, they are depending on unemployment to continue to help them get by. While unemployment may not be ideal, it’s at least *some* sort of income and it’s certainly better than nothing. The president made a decision, not based on the needs of his party, and not based on the needs of himself, but on the needs of Americans across the country who are struggling and continue to need help.

  124. Good comments, but I gotta point out I didn’t write that great piece, I just clipped it.

  125. Mary Beaulieu likes this

  126. Diane Robinson-Davis NewtonDecember 9, 2010 at 12:26 PM

    Diane Robinson-Davis Newton likes this

  127. Janice Woodfork MontgomeryDecember 9, 2010 at 12:27 PM

    Janice Woodfork Montgomery likes this

  128. thank you for posting this

  129. It's such clear insight from the writer...

  130. The article was sent to me in a private message from the writer. I am thrilled that he shared it and could not wait to get it out to all of you.

  131. Stephanie Moore BiekDecember 9, 2010 at 12:37 PM

    Wait, Republicans don't have unicorns? That is IT! ;)

  132. Im not a huge fan of Obama. I was a staunch Hillary supporter and still feel she wouldve been a far better president. But the truth is (as my boyfriend has consistently pointed out to me) that whether it be Hillary or Obama, they wouldve ran into the same Republican B.S. that our president is running into. Time and time again the Republicans show that they are united (for the most part) as a party, but what they unite against, and how incredibly irrational they are about it, shows their true colors. Theyre not interested in the American public, theyre simply interested in their own party, power, and influence. Sad. And yet, people continue to vote them into powerbut I digress.

    Anyhow, the point of what I am trying to say is, Obama ended up compromising in order to help out the American people. There are a lot of people out of work right now, and like you pointed out, they are depending on unemployment to continue to help them get by. While unemployment may not be ideal, its at least *some* sort of income and its certainly better than nothing. The president made a decision, not based on the needs of his party, and not based on the needs of himself, but on the needs of Americans across the country who are struggling and continue to need help.

    Republicans and Te Partiers can wave their anti-Obama flag all they want, but the ironic (not to mention hypocritical) thing is that a good chunk of them are currently living off of government support. Yet, they shun government support simply to shun our current president. There is no rational behind their stance, they just want to be against something or someone, and its a Democratic figure of power, which Obama is the epitome of.

    Great piece, and I hope more people read this because your arguments are strong, well thought out, and well written.

  133. Dems don't either. We do know how to form one hell of a circular firing squad though.

  134. Saphina Varma likes this

  135. Stephanie Howard likes this

  136. Oh, I LOVED this article!!!! I passed it around earlier in the day, too!!

  137. Eric Johnson likes this

  138. AndrĂ©a Borelli ThompsonDecember 10, 2010 at 7:31 PM

    I feel the same way and agree with everything you wrote....except for the jumping ship part. Im not about to. I proudly still stand behind him.

    Awesome piece David, im so glad that many people have read this!

  139. Thank *you* David. Really great piece.

  140. Karl Koch likes this
