Saturday, December 18, 2010

A DREAM Deferred

Today was a very good day for the President.

In the same week that he took heated criticism on the left for the compromise he brokered with Republicans on the Bush Tax Cuts, he saw the congress finally repeal the discriminatory "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy.

Created by President Clinton in 1993 as a compromised measure to advance (if only incrementally) gay service in the military, the policy has been roundly denounced as un-American, bigoted, and worse. The very idea that one must lie about and cover up who they are to serve our country on the field of battle flies in the face of not only what this country is supposed to stand for, but in that of human decency as well.

Well, the end has begun today. Previously, Senate Democrats had attempted to force the policy change by attaching it to the military funding bill that hit the floor this week. As usual, Senate Republicans filibustered the bill and blocked its procession. That could have been the end of it. Not only for now, but for years to come. With the House set to change control over to Republican hands and the Democrat's owning a slimmer margin in the Senate, it would have likely been another four years before this issue would be taken up again. Four years of dismissals of qualified military personnel while we are fighting two wars. Many of whom are absolutely integral to our Middle Eastern policy.

However, Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid struck a compromise with Maine Republican, Susan Collins, on a "stand alone" bill to repeal DADT. The measure quickly passed the House and cleared the Senate at 3:30 PM today by a vote of 63-31. In the end, Republicans Scott Brown (MA), Olympia Snowe (ME), George Voinovich (OH), and Mark Kirk (IL), joined Collins and the entirety of the Democratic Caucus (minus Joe Manchin (WV) who voted against and Ron Wyden (OR) who was having cancer related surgery) in passing the repeal.

This is a huge victory for the President. This keeps a promise that he made during the campaign and may even make some of those angry liberals smile--for the moment anyway. But, we should also acknowledge the other the vote that took place today that did not go the President's way.

Prior to the DADT repeal vote, the Senate took up the DREAM ACT which would create a path to citizenship for children who were brought to this country before the age of 16 and who complete two years of service in the military or a four year college degree within a six year period. The argument for the bill is that these children were brought illegally to this country by no fault of their own, have assimilated into our culture, and have something to offer to society. The bill was defeated as Democrats could not gain the 60 votes needed to get past the Republican filibuster.

The failure of the DREAM ACT to receive passage could be considered a defeat for President Obama. But is it really?

Legislatively, there can be no argument that it was indeed a disappointment for the President (not to mention the scores of immigrants who would have been helped by the bill). But politically, this may actually be a win for the President.

How, you might ask?

Well, if a Republican wants to beat the President in 2012, he/she will need at least 40% of the Hispanic vote to overtake the incumbent. I would argue that today, the Republican Party can kiss that vote goodbye.

There is no one constituency that would have been more positively impacted by (and was more in favor of) The DREAM ACT than Latinos. In winning the election in 2000 (sort of) and 2008, George W. Bush reached out effectively to Hispanics through his support of comprehensive immigration reform and even speaking Spanish at rallies. It is accurate to say that the inroads he made with the Latino community (along with Supreme Court intervention--I know, I know, let it go) played a huge part in his election "victories." Say what you want about Bush, but he was fairly forward thinking on the issue of Hispanic outreach.

As of today, that is all gone.

For this, you can credit Harry Reid with bringing the cloture vote to the floor in the first place. Reid knew that the measure would not pass (5 Democrats joined their Republican counterparts), but he also knew that he would get them on the record. And that he did. Not a single Republican supported an "up or down" vote.

This may play well with their base at the moment, but long term this vote today is a serious loser for them. There is no demographic in the United States that is growing at a faster rate than that of Hispanics. While--by far--most of them are already legal citizens, they know many among their number who are not. These people are friends and loved ones who came to this country seeking a better life, just like the Europeans who crested the waves of these shores oh so long ago. And what the Republicans have told them today is that even if it's not your fault, even if you have broken no other laws, and even if you have assets to share with this country, you are not welcome.

I bet the Cherokee would have liked to have had the same option when Plymouth Rock landed on them.

I suppose that it may be a bit crass to discuss the political implications of this vote when it will adversely affect so many. But just like DADT when it was adopted nearly 20 years ago, this vote could likely lead to another that will find favor. Maybe in this President's second term.

A term that Republicans have all but secured today.

December 18, 2010


  1. Shawn Christopher OliverDecember 18, 2010 at 8:13 PM

    No, it's not. The DREAM ACT wont pass and was only a tool to get the latino vote.

  2. Eric Smith likes this

  3. THE BLACK LONG ISLAND ICED TEA PARTYDecember 18, 2010 at 8:14 PM

    The Republicans have shown us today who they really are. Children are not on their agenda.

  4. Brandon Harris likes this.

  5. David, isn't the failure of the Dream Act Bush's fault??? That's who you dumicrats always seem to blame.

  6. Bush was actually in favor of comprehensive immigration. He couldn't pull his party with him. So, no. It was not Bush's fault. It was the Republicans who are now on the record and can kiss the latino vote goodbye. Good luck in 2012, Einstein.

  7. Shevlin Marye ThomasDecember 18, 2010 at 8:48 PM

    Nice!! You always seem to say what I think in such a beautiful way Dave!!

  8. That was an interesting turn in Republican history. Bush was courting the Hispanic vote, now they are turning away any votes not from lily white men. We'll see how this hate works for them.

  9. I have been wondering about the Republican party's abrupt about face about Hispanics. Bush at his rallies speaking Spanish, and hosting dinners with all Mexican fare. Now, they seem to be going out of their way to be hostile to all non Tea Party groups: Hispanics, Muslims, gays, union members. I have been wondering about their taking their party so far to the lily white crowd. One day, that may be a minority. Maybe soon.

  10. Chris... didn't you know that Bush was Satin? It is a well known fact that he actually used US funds to build a larger hell due to increased demand. Seriously, I mean that is what I am told.

  11. I really like this

  12. Thanks David. I'll be posting this.

  13. Paula Grier likes this.

  14. Danica Hurd likes this.

  15. Sabrina Goodman-BeharieDecember 19, 2010 at 8:58 AM

    Sabrina Goodman-Beharie likes this

  16. Thanks for taking time to explain this

  17. ‎@ Diana, David E. Phillips wrote the article, it wasn't me doing the 'splaining...:-)

  18. I do try to'splain. Thanks, Paula. :)

  19. Thurman Williams likes this

  20. Brigitte Clark likes this

  21. Vilma Fox likes this

  22. Hey Teabaggers, consider the Hispanic vote GONE with a Capital G now that you have voted down the DREAM Act! This is a great article on the political implications of the GOP's stupidity long term.

  23. Sarah Johns likes this

  24. Matt, whoever claimed Baggers were bright? A colossal act of stupidity which will never be forgotten by the Hispanic community.

  25. Dear Dems..take the cowardly 6 out come 2012

  26. ben nelson is former insuance ceo...he might as well be the devil and jump into the fire of hades for all i care.

    ps. montana's two democratic senators voted against it as well...included the daily-kos backed jon tester.

    Im royally angry with... the traitors...i expected the GOP to have their xenophobic brown-scare moment again(kudos to the 3 adults; lugar, murkuski(sp?), and the gent from ohio(forgot his name)....)

    I cannot wait for incoming rubio...i would love to tear him a new one on live tv over this and his party. they want to mold him to be a pseudo obama because they cant think of anything original...but they cant even cover their own sins long enough to think.See More

  27. Raul -- was it Voinovich? He's starting to break from the Party line because he's retiring and has nothing to lose! Interesting how their true beliefs come out when they're on the way out! :-(

  28. Pat Langhurst likes this

  29. Providencia Acabeo likes this

  30. Laura Lynne Prater likes this

  31. Janice Mowrey likes this

  32. Matthew Edge likes this

  33. Rhonda Stevens likes this

  34. Eugene Beil likes this

  35. Brenda Underwood FelderDecember 19, 2010 at 9:15 AM

    Brenda Underwood Felder likes this

  36. Karen Lee likes this

  37. Sheila Fahey likes this

  38. Sheila Daniels likes this

  39. Today we witnessed the GOP defeat the dream act. Millions of young people watched the vote and were filled with hope for their futures. The Republicans may have won today but in the long term they will fail..because we won't forget in 2012. The Dream Act may be deferred but it's by no means gone! Fight on!!

  40. Pauline Behncke likes this

  41. Janice Woodfork MontgomeryDecember 19, 2010 at 9:18 AM


  42. No we won't give up the good fight. It's one of my New Year's resolutions!!!

  43. Rob Frigo likes this.

  44. Vince Yanez likes this.

  45. Bush was satin? I always thought he was more cotton like. Or felt. Maybe fleece. I had never thought about his likeness to a fabric type.

  46. Great read, again, David.

  47. Yeah, the 'A' is some distance from the 'I' on the keyboard. No excuses available for the mis-spelling of Ol' Skratch.

  48. Thanx David, we'll take that luck that you wish us. :)

  49. Mandy, He was preparing it for the Dumicrats..LOL

  50. Yeah, we're the dumb ones, but at least we can spell SATAN. Or Beelzebub, or may want to write this down.

  51. David, that information will be very handy when your time comes.

  52. Says the man with a crystal ball. I'm sure you'll ride in on your unicorn, won't you?

  53. Whatever Phillips.

  54. Nice comeback. You're a top level wit, aren't you?

  55. Are you talking to a coward that blocked me because of his inferiority complex?

  56. I suppose I am. Captain Courageous, this guy.

  57. Yes. Another chicken hawk who hides when his lies are exposed. Sad commentary on America.

    Your article is great, and spot on. I really think the hate campaign of the right works for them in midterms, we saw that in 2004 with the Hate The Ga...y Rove machine. This midterm Hate The Hispanic/Muslim campaign fired up the base but I can't see them sustaining that hate for years. It may just fire up the Dem base in 2012.See More

  58. The Latino vote will leave them in droves. How shortsighted.

  59. Linda Blaire likes this.

  60. Catherine Petrilli likes this.

  61. Actually three Republicans supported cloture for the DREAM Act. Lugar, who I believe was one of the original sponsors of the bill, Bennett, who was forced out by the Republican party in Utah, and Murkowski, who should now be regarded as a true independent.

  62. Unfortunately, not ALL hispanics will care or even vote. Arizona is 30% Hispanic, and even with 1070, less than 12% came out to vote, which is why we now have Brewer in office. I'm always baffled what it would take to get people involved...apparently attacking people that 'look like you' didn't do it.

    The biggest win for Obama, is if the rest of us make sure THIS and every other thing the GOP has done is brought up during the next election. Sadly, I think a lot of politicians know America has a horribly short attention span. And a large group of Americans (unemployed, no healthcare, poverty, etc) will STILL vote against their own long as you make the vote about abortion, morals and make the 'other guy' scary in a socialist/muslim/fake american sorta way. The booga-booga factor is still pretty heavy in the guns-and-bible 'real american' crowds.

  63. It wasn't Obama that stopped this, and I think Latinos know this.

  64. Mac Diesel likes this

  65. Another talented Dem, gosh I need to read more of you and Stephen's articles! I believe you have it, GOP has sealed that voted to the Dems. Thanks GOP!

  66. Amy Melenbacker McMullenDecember 19, 2010 at 10:44 AM

    Nice article David. I sure hope you're right.

  67. one sided article missing about 90% of the facts !

  68. Oh, Bob please enlighten us beyond your one cryptic comment.

  69. Ron Irvine likes this

  70. Just Bob likes this.

  71. So sad that this did not pass....

  72. Wait, did the GOP ever have the Latino vote?

  73. Bush got 43%. McCain got 29%. Give McCain Bush's additional 14% and we would be bombing Iran and watching VP Palin sneaking up from behind President McCain in an effort to spook him into a coronary.

  74. Sam Mayer likes this

  75. I guess Boehner weeps for the American Dream he had, not for anyone else's.

  76. Emily Morrison CorbeDecember 19, 2010 at 1:32 PM

    Love that poem, "What happens to a dream deferred?". Langston Hughes.

  77. Michele Moreno-CheverezDecember 19, 2010 at 1:33 PM

    Michele Moreno-Cheverez likes this

  78. Göran Koch-SwahneDecember 19, 2010 at 1:33 PM

    Göran Koch-Swahne likes this

  79. Russell Dale Yoney likes this

  80. Walter Turner likes this

  81. Yes, Bob, I would also be interested in understanding your opposition to the bill.

  82. Read this. FAcinating. Im not giving up on the DREAM act, and neither should ayone with a thinking brain and a beating heart. Reptilian cold hearted sobs, however, can take their MAB BUTTS back to england

  83. A great article. Please don't forget the millions who were denied the dream of becoming a contributor to our nation and vow to remember who it was that voted NO against the Dream Act. It's time will come again, and the next time it will pass. Thank you president Obama and please keep fighting.

  84. Debbi Ellerman likes this

  85. Laura Lynne Prater likes this

  86. Susan Carole Negron likes this

  87. Jim Duffy likes this

  88. The short-sighted and selfish heart of some Americans! If you have even moved to another may foundly remember the place you left, but if you live, work, go to school, make friends in your new home...THAT is where you are from now!

  89. Patricia Farrell likes this

  90. Carolyn Winfrey HolcombDecember 21, 2010 at 7:57 PM

    Carolyn Winfrey Holcomb likes this

  91. Frankie L. WinchesterDecember 21, 2010 at 7:58 PM

    Frankie L. Winchester likes this

  92. Nancy McCampbell likes this

  93. pin the blame on the republicans where it belongs, please - it's their failure and no one else's.

  94. Midge, the five traitors to the Youth of our Nation have a LOT of explaining to do. I hope Santa leaves them all big steaming piles of reindeer poo for Christmas! But I agree with you too...This is FAR from over. CA stands with you!

  95. Say it again King Potatoes....

  96. ‎@KingOf Potatoes @Stephanie Actually, had the 5 Senators by the names of Baucus, Nelson, Hagan, Pryor, and Tester, all of whom have "D's" beside their names (though for the life of me I have no idea why) voted YES, then it would have passed and cleared a Trifecta of Legislation that would have ended the legislative session on a very merry note! So let's place blame on 5 cowardly traitors to the very people who ARE our Nation's future. And this is a fight that is far from over for us....

  97. Frankie L. WinchesterDecember 21, 2010 at 8:00 PM

    The infamous 5 have never been very good Democrats, especially Nelson, Baucus and Pryor. This plan rewarded people who wanted to contribute to American society, the best kind of citizen. Truly a sad day for all of us.

  98. ‎@Laura for a minute I did forget about those five traitors. I do share blame on them. I too hopes Santa leaves them something unexpected. What if he doubles that reindeer

  99. No we won't give up the good fight Midge. It's one of my New Year's resolutions!!!

  100. Pat Langhurst likes this

  101. Elaine Kwart likes this

  102. Providencia Acabeo likes this

  103. Rhonda Stevens likes this

  104. John Kujala likes this

  105. Eugene Beil likes this

  106. Brenda Underwood FelderDecember 21, 2010 at 8:06 PM

    Brenda Underwood Felder likes this

  107. Karen Lee likes this

  108. Sheila Fahey likes this

  109. Sheila Daniels likes this

  110. Excellent, David!

  111. Dave, the Dream Act is one of those bills that I found intriguing. I hope that this will come back in the near future. Again, you killed it son.
